[FLASH-BUGS] loaddata failure with "Too many open files"

Leonid Malyshkin leonmal at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Apr 29 12:37:10 CDT 2003

Hi Mike and Jonathan,

I noticed that loaddata can open the same file as many times as you want 
(>200 times). So, I tried to cheat IDL by copying files with different 
order numbers (in a loop) into a single temporary file. The idea is that
this temporary file has the same id and the same location on disk 
(although has different size and different contents).

Unfortunately, it did not work, neither on SGI no on Linux machine. 
If I do the following:

SPAWN, 'cp rosetta_hdf5_plt_crn_0000 rosetta_hdf5_plt_crn_9999'
SPAWN, 'cp rosetta_hdf5_plt_crn_0001 rosetta_hdf5_plt_crn_9999'

IDL loads data OK the first time, but gets killed the second time with 
the following message:


var_name = magx
trying to open filename rosetta_hdf5_plt_crn_9999
Opened the file with file_id 67108870 
reading in only the variable magx
trying to open filename rosetta_hdf5_plt_crn_9999
Opened the file with file_id 67108871 
determined file format version to be 7.
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 library version: 1.4.3 
21278333:/opt/pkgs/idl_5.6/idl_5.6/bin/bin.sgi/idl: rld: Fatal Error: 
attempted access to unresolvable symbol in 

On Linux:

var_name = magx
trying to open filename rosetta_hdf5_plt_cnt_9999
Opened the file with file_id 67108870 
reading in only the variable magx
trying to open filename rosetta_hdf5_plt_cnt_9999
Opened the file with file_id 67108871 
determined file format version to be 7.
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 library version: 1.4.4 thread 0.  Back 
trace follows.
  #000: /mnt/sdt/wendling/hdf5-1.4.4/src/H5D.c line 716 in H5Dread(): 
can't read data
    major(15): Dataset interface
    minor(20): Read failed
  #001: /mnt/sdt/wendling/hdf5-1.4.4/src/H5D.c line 1681 in H5D_read(): 
src and dest data spaces have different sizes
    major(01): Function arguments
    minor(05): Bad value
Error reading bounding box from datafile

Jonathan said the error from my previous email happens only on SGI. 
Therefore, this new error is probably different.

What could it be?

Thanks a lot,
Best wishes,

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