again, "minor" trouble in detect.F90 & Re: [FLASH-BUGS] "minor" glitch in flatten.F90 (part 2)

Markus Gross m.s.gross at
Wed Jul 23 02:41:09 CDT 2003


On Tuesday 22 July 2003 19:30, you wrote:

> I agree with your other. At the same time, I would also suggest to be
> extra careful when we arrive to the point where numerics becomes a
> dominant factor in our problem - perhaps we reached a limit when the
> algorithm itself becomes sensitive to small perturbations.  Trying to
> fix it is one thing, and great if possible (like in some of the cases
> you mentioned), but it seems to me there exists a limit to that
> approach as well.

Yes, my case may be a bit special, it only really occurs at the beginning, 
were I have a point discontinuity in the center of the domain and this may 
somewhat "break" the algorithm. With a point it is of cousre important to 
detect it propperly, wheras with a front the is a broader range.
Unfortunately I cannot just refine more in order to spread this point out a 
bit, since refining just leads to this situation occuring earlier in time. 
Once it is spread out by time evolution it is not as severe anymore, but of 
course if you "ruin" your data in the first sweep you may end up with some 
interesting "instabilities" but the whole thing is a bit questionable. I 
rather add a small pertubation myself once I know that everything works okay 

If you want to have a look, here comes some data (please do not hesitate to 
write if you need more data, since of course I am interested in your findings 
as well).

It is a 3D problem with nxb=nyb=nzb=8, nguard basically there are two blocks, symmetry in the y-axis.
2 fluids

In my original setup these two blocks are located on cpu 2 and the blocks in 
question are block_no 27 and 42.

In order to make sure that I had identical data on both blocks I did a run 
where I copied the data according to:


I then wrote the data into four files, one for each block and two different 
precisions as follows:

  if(block_no.eq.27) THEN
     open  (96,file='27.dat.hp')
     write (96,fmt='(16D40.30)') unk(:,:,:,:,block_no)
     open  (96,file='27.dat')
     write (96,fmt='(16D22.14)') unk(:,:,:,:,block_no)

These files can the be read in for testruns.

reading in the D22.14 files gives the expected result with symmetry along y, 
the D40.30 don't

My investigations were made with flash 2.1, dont know if 2.3 gives different 

The blocks in question are at refinement level 3

Have a look at the pressures at k, in particular: unk(ipres,5,4:13,12,:)

It should be straight forward to setup a init block which reads in the data 
for the two blocks and then perform one step.

here is the beginning of flash.log:

 FLASH log file:  07-22-2003  17:36.42    Run number:  1
 Number of processors:   10
 Build stamp: Fri Jan 31 18:42:30 2003 
                  Linux lasersim 2.4.4-4GB i686 
 Version:         FLASH 2.1.20020605  
 Build directory: /work/markus/scratch/markus/FLASH2.1/object
 Setup syntax:    ./ nozzle -3d -maxblocks@ -auto
 Comment:  FLASH 2.1 run
 Runtime parameters:  read from file "flash.par"
 dtmin                 small                 tmax                  zfinal                tinitial              dtmax                 smalle                dtini                 smallx                zinitial              smallt                smallu                smlrho                smallp                temp_factor           tstep_change_factor   wall_clock_time_limi  eint_switch           cfl                   rieman_tol            vgrid                 cvisc                 epsiln                omg2                  omg1                  trstrt                tplot                 wall_clock_checkpoin  ymin                  xmin                  xmax                  zmin                  ymax                  zmax                  refine_filter         refine_cutoff         derefine_cutoff       nend                  ichem                 ishkbn                itemp_limit           irenorm               nriem                 igodu                 iplm                  rolling_checkpoint    cpnumber              wr_integrals_freq     memory_stat_freq      ptnumber              nrstrt                igeomz                igeomx                igeomy                nblockz               nblocky               nblockx               zlboundary            xrboundary            yrboundary            zrboundary            xlboundary            ylboundary            lrefine_min           lrefine_max           nrefs                 log_file              run_comment           run_number            plot_var_5            plot_var_7            basenm                plot_var_8            plot_var_6            plot_var_4            plot_var_3            plot_var_2            plot_var_1            refine_var_3          refine_var_2          refine_var_1          xr_boundary_type      refine_var_4          yr_boundary_type      bc_velocity_type      xl_boundary_type      zr_boundary_type      yl_boundary_type      zl_boundary_type      shock_burning         conserved_var         restart               print_tstep_loc       oldvisc               leveque               ppm_modifystates      corners               msgbuffer             
 Known units of measurement:
 Multifluid database contents:
 Full name            Abbrev      A      Z      N      E     Eb  gamma   EOS?
 fluid1               f1      27.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   1.67   1.00
 fluid2               f2      47.87   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   1.67   1.00



Markus Gross AMIMechE BEng (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering

Heriot Watt University Edinburgh
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
James Nasmyth Building
EH14 4AS

Member of  IMechE, SPIE, CSME and VDI

further contact:

Phone   : +44 (0) 131 451 4737

UNiX talk: talk markus at


"Plans are a place to begin," Grove said. "They rarely deliver
you to where you expect. Make your plans knowing you are going
to throw them away."


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