[FLASH-BUGS] AIX prototype Makefile.h

Yuriy Zaliznyak zalik at rzg.mpg.de
Mon Sep 18 11:36:05 CDT 2006

FYI:: FLASH2.5, AIX5.3, xlf10.01 with -O3 (and deeper) optimization   
changes code symantics (and runtime segmentation faults) when using   
IEEE datatypes (I use these types with H5 for some regridding         
probably it also may happen in the other situations), thus I would    
suggest to                                                            
add default "-qstrict" option to FFLAGS_OPT in the AIX prototyle      
Dr Yuriy Zaliznyak,                                                   
Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics,                              
NWG, D2-420,                                                          
D-85748, Garching, Germany.                                           
Phone: +498932993604                                                  
Fax:     +498932991011                                                

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