[FLASH-BUGS] Restart Bug with HDF5

Josef Stöckl josef.stoeckl at uibk.ac.at
Mon Jun 2 03:22:00 CDT 2008


I have noticed and tracked down a restart bug (segmentation fault) in 
Flash 3 with the serial HDF5 IO Unit, when a 3D problem gets restarted. 
Basically the wrong buffer variable (unk instead of faceZBuf) gets used, 
which at that time is not allocated. Below you find the fix to this in a 
patch-like manner.

Best regards,


     if(NDIM .gt. 2) then

           allocate(faceZBuf(NUNK_VARS, NXB, NYB, NZB+1, localNumBlocks))
-          call MPI_RECV(unk(i,:,:,:,1:localNumBlocks), &
+          call MPI_RECV(faceZBuf(i,:,:,:,1:localNumBlocks), &
                NXB*NYB*(NZB+1)*localNumBlocks, &
                FLASH_REAL, MASTER_PE, &
        9+i+NUNK_VARS+(NFACE_VARS*2), &
                MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ierr)
           facevarz(i,io_ilo:io_ihi, io_jlo:io_jhi, 
io_klo:io_khi+1,1:localNumBlocks)            faceZBuf(i,1:NXB,1:NYB,1:NZB+1,1:localNumBlocks)

     end if

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