[FLASH-BUGS] HDF5 issue at compile

A. B. Sefkow absefko at sandia.gov
Thu Jun 19 15:04:20 CDT 2008

Dear Flash Bugs,

I possibly uncovered a pseudo bug in the Flash3 distribution while 
trying to install it on Mac OS X 10.4.  In the 
Prototypes/Darwin/Makefile.h.gfortran file, which I used as my template, 
there is an extra space in LIB_HDF5 between -L and ${HDF5_PATH}/lib. 
That error and the -static option in LFLAGS_OPT caused the creation of 
the Flash3 executable to not be made because of errors in executing 
/usr/bin/ld after "Linking in Units and Libraries" near the end of the 
make output.  At first, I tried different versions of HDF5 (binaries and 
trying to compile from source code) to no avail, and only now 
(apparently) succeeded by disabling static linking (and enabling fortran 
support) when configuring/compiling HDF5-1.6.7.  After a bit of 
Googling, Apple says Mac OS X doesn't support static linking of binaries:


And only after these errors could I get the flash3 executable, although 
I haven't yet run it with the Sedov test problem (that's next).  I do 
still have this warning, but get a "success":

> ate.o tmr_etime.o tmr_findTimerIndex.o tmr_getMaxCallStackDepth.o tmr_getMaxTimerParents.o tmr_init.o tmr_lookupIndex.o tmr_stackLib.o tree.o umap.o user_coord_transfm.o workspace.o -L/usr/local/hdf5/hdf5-1.6.7/lib -lhdf5 -lz   
> /usr/bin/ld: warning can't open dynamic library: /libgcc_s.1.dylib referenced from: /usr/local/lib/gcc/i386-apple-darwin8.10.1/4.3.0/../../../libgfortran.dylib (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or directory, errno = 2)

Since I'm a relative newbie to both coding and Mac OS X, it's been 
frustrating trying to figure out the configure/compile for C, Fortran, 
MPI, and HDF5 required to get flash3 running, but I must compliment the 
Flash people for making the manual quite a bit more coherent and helpful 
than most others.

Adam Sefkow
Sandia National Labs

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