[FLASH-BUGS] A setup internal error

Anshu Dubey dubey at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Nov 1 09:04:41 CDT 2011

It looks like your system is unable to resolve the operating system. The way
to get around the problem is to create a subdirectory under sites in your
of FLASH and copy Makefile.h from the Prototypes that is closest to your
configuration. Edit Makefile.h to make sure that paths for MPI and HDF5 are
right. Once you have done that, when you sun setup at command line use
-site=mysite (where mysite is the name of the new directory you created)
commandline option. That should resolve your problem.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Li-Jun Hu <hulj at mail.bnu.edu.cn> wrote:

> Hi!
> I have an error when typing ./setup Sedov -auto
> Do you know how to resolve this problem?
> Best,
> Lijun
> A setup internal error has occured, if possible please email the following
> debugging info to flash-bugs at flash.uchicago.edu
> Arguments: ['/disk2/hulj/flash/bin/setup.py', 'Sedov', '-auto']
> Python Version: 2.3.4
> Platform Details: linux2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/disk2/hulj/flash/bin/setup.py", line 238, in ?
>     main()
>   File "/disk2/hulj/flash/bin/setup.py", line 133, in main
>     linkList.reallyLink()
>   File "/disk2/hulj/flash/bin/linkFiles.py", line 212, in reallyLink
>     if not os.path.exists(link) and  os.path.lexists(link) and  os.path.islink(link):
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lexists'
> --
> College of Nuclear Science and Technology,
> Beijing Normal University
> No. 19, XinJieKouWai St., HaiDian District,
> Beijing 100875, China

Anshu Dubey
Associate Director and CS/Applications Group Leader          5747 S. Ellis
Avenue 3rd Flr.
Flash Center for Computational Science                                773
834 2999 (office)
Fellow, Computation
Institute                                                  312 420 0033
University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory        773 834 3230

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