[FLASH-BUGS] bug in explicit viscosity in DiffuseFluxBased

Elke Roediger eroediger at hs.uni-hamburg.de
Wed Nov 7 11:38:14 CST 2012

Dear FLASH team,

there seems to be a bug in the explicit viscosity in FLASH4 and FLASH3.3 in this routine:


e.g. in line 259 in the second term the index for the first coordinate should be "i", not "1":
      - solnData(VELZ_VAR, i-1, j, k-1) - solnData(VELZ_VAR, 1, j, k-1) )

This bug appears in 6 lines:
259, 283, 368, 386, 459, 475

You can make a search for this string to locate it: "VAR, 1,"

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Elke Roediger

Dr. Elke Roediger
eroediger at hs.uni-hamburg.de
+49 (0)40/42838-8539

Hamburger Sternwarte
Universitaet Hamburg
Gojensbergsweg 112
D-21029 Hamburg

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