[FLASH-USERS] Refinement and Derefinement Criteria

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Wed Apr 23 12:39:02 EDT 2008

Hi all,

First of all thanks Anshu. I have somthing to work on now. I also 
consider to switch to FLASH3.0. However, I have another question for 
anybody who can reply. Sorry that I ask many questions, but this should 
be a simple one.

Flash, as I believe, refines automatically when you don't put 
lrefine_max equal to lrefine_min. With witch criteria can I play with 
the refinement and how can I say when to derefine. Basically I don't 
completely understand how refinement works and the user guide is not 
completely transparant about this. I assumed that delta_ref, delta_deref 
and the reference_density were exactly these parameters. I initially 
thought that when the density "rho" (or whatever parameter is set for 
refinement) at each block exceeds the reference density by amount of 
delta_ref (multiplied or added?) then it refines and when it is lower by 
an amount of delta_deref it derefines. However, changing these 
parameters has proven to have little effect for me.

Can anybody explain me how this works and what the formula's are if any?


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