[FLASH-USERS] Question about star formation using FLASH

Robi Banerjee banerjee at ita.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Feb 1 02:20:29 EST 2008

Dear M.A.

we have a simple implementation of 'sink partciles' (ie. particles
which are created on the fly and are able to accrete gas) for the
FLASH code. We are currently finalizing our work and will publish it
soon describing some test cases.

If your colleague is willing to wait a while, we can assist him
implementing our approach. You can find the outline of our idea
in a talk I gave at the FLASH workshop in Bremen:


Robi Banerjee
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
Universität Heidelberg
Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2
69120 Heidelberg
e-mail: banerjee at ita.uni-heidelberg.de
URL   : http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~banerjee
tel.  : +49 6221 54-8967
fax   : +49 6221 544221

On Thu, 31 Jan 2008, Robert Fisher wrote:

> To elaborate upon what John has stated, star particles like those you have 
> described have not been implemented into FLASH. However, FLASH does support 
> active, gravitating particles, so the addition of such a feature would be 
> relatively straightforward -- the algorithm has already been fully laid out, 
> for instance in Krumholz et al (2004) --
> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004ApJ...611..399K
> I am certain your colleague could obtain assistance where needed from both 
> the FLASH code group and the user community.
>  Best wishes,
>  Bob
> On Thu, 31 Jan 2008, John ZuHone wrote:
>> Hello M.A.,
>> 	Such capabilities are not currently in FLASH2 and they will not be in 
>> the first release of FLASH3, though they *may* be in future releases. 
>> Others have managed to get this working for their own use.
>> 	Strictly speaking one would not be converting gas particles (since 
>> we're working with Eulerian grid variables) but would be creating massive 
>> star particles from scratch at a particular grid location once conditions 
>> were met at that location (say, density rises to a certain value and 
>> temperature falls below a certain value). Then the star particle would be 
>> taking its velocity as well from the local velocity on the grid.
>> 	In essence, this is not currently implemented but once one had a 
>> prescription for this it should not be difficult to implement.
>> Best,
>> John Z
>> On Jan 31, 2008, at 8:10 AM, M.A. Latife wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> one of my colleagues is interested in using FLASH, His question is as 
>>> follows, i Hope you people can reply his question in better way.
>>> "I want to simulate star formation starting with gas particles. Is Flash 
>>> able to convert gas particles (when a certain condition is met) into star 
>>> particles? This because I want to see the initial mass function. Do I have 
>>> to write my own module for this, or is there such an option already there? 
>>> "
>>> Thanks,
>>> M.A.Latife

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