[FLASH-USERS] Sedov scaling test

mateuszr at umich.edu mateuszr at umich.edu
Thu Feb 21 23:28:23 EST 2008

Hi all,

thanks very much for the help with the Sedov scaling test.
Switching to mpich2 fixed the problem entirely and the scaling was 
practically linear.

  thanks again,


Quoting Anthony Chan <chan at mcs.anl.gov>:

> On Mon, 11 Feb 2008, mateuszr at umich.edu wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am testing a very small Dell cluster (8 cpus total). The machine 
>> is a dual quad core Xeon with 2 GB per core. The OS is Rocks 4.3, 
>> and the compilers used is the stock gcc 3.4.6 with mpich 1.2.7, 
>> mpif90 (Makefile.h enclosed below). FLASH version is 2.5 and I am 
>> using a Sedov test setup.
>> The setup does not seem to scale with the number of processors at all.
>> If anything, the execution time increases very slightly as I double 
>> the number of processors. I also noticed that all timesteps are 
>> printed out to the screen n times, where n is the number of 
>> processors. It seems to me that for some reason, the code just runs 
>> the same calculation n times instead of distributing the load
>> evenly among all processors.
> It is posssible that you have n MPI_COMM_WORLD where each has only 1 
> process (instead of 1 MPI_COMM_WORLD with n processes).   You should
> use MPICH2 which is more robust than MPICH1 especially in process management.
> A.Chan
>> It seems to me that this problem has nothing to do with the 
>> processor communication and, quite likely, is (embarrasingly?) 
>> trivial to solve.
>> Has anybody seen this behavior before ?
>> thanks,
>> Mateusz
>> P.S. I am enclosing Makefile.h below:
>> # FLASH makefile definitions for ix86 Linux (Portland Group compiler)
>> # note, in order to get pgprof to work properly, it was necessary to 
>> # download a new
>> version from ftp://ftp.pgroup.com/ that plays nicely
>> # with GNOME.
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Set the HDF/HDF5 library paths -- these need to be updated for your system
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #HDF4_PATH = /usr/local/hdf4
>> #HDF5_PATH = /opt/HDF5-1.4.2-patch1-serial/
>> HDF5_PATH = /opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/
>> MPE_PATH   =
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Compiler and linker commands
>> #
>> #   Use the MPICH wrappers around the compilers -- these will automatically
>> #   load the proper libraries and include files.  Version of MPICH prior
>> #   to 1.2.2 (?) do not recognize .F90 as a valid Fortran file extension.
>> #   You need to edit mpif90 and add .F90 to the test of filename extensions,
>> #   or upgrade your MPICH.
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> FCOMP   = /opt/mpich/intel/bin/mpif90
>> CCOMP   = /opt/mpich/intel/bin/mpicc
>> CPPCOMP = /opt/mpich/intel/bin/mpicc
>> LINK    = /opt/mpich/intel/bin/mpif90
>> # pre-processor flag
>> PP      = -D
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Compilation flags
>> #
>> #  Three sets of compilation/linking flags are defined: one for optimized
>> #  code, one for testing, and one for debugging.  The default is to 
>> use the # _OPT
>> version.  Specifying -debug to setup will pick the _DEBUG version,
>> #  these should enable bounds checking.  Specifying _TEST is used 
>> for # flash_test, and
>> is set for quick code generation, and (sometimes) #  profiling.  The 
>> Makefile generated
>> by setup will assign the generic token #  (ex. FFLAGS) to the proper 
>> set of flags (ex.
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #FFLAGS_OPT = -c -r8 -i4 -CB -traceback -I/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/include
>> -I/opt/mpich/intel/include/ -L/opt/mpich/intel/lib 
>> -L/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/lib
>> -I/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/include -L/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/lib 
>> -lhdf5 -lrfftw_mpi
>> -lfftw_mpi -lrfftw
>> FFLAGS_OPT = -c -r8 -i4 -CB -traceback -I/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/include
>> -I/opt/mpich/intel/include/ -L/opt/mpich/intel/lib 
>> -L/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/lib
>> -I/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/include -L/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/lib 
>> -ldrfftw_mpi
>> -ldfftw_mpi -ldrfftw -ldfftw
>> # FFLAGS_OPT = -c -r8 -i4 -CB -traceback -I/usr/include/openmpi
>> -I/usr/include/openmpi/64/ -L/usr/lib/openmpi
>> #FFLAGS_OPT = -c -r8 -i4 -CB -traceback -I/opt/mpich/gnu/include 
>> -L/opt/mpich/gnu/lib
>> FFLAGS_DEBUG = -g -c -Mbounds -r8 -i4 FFLAGS_TEST = -c -r8 -i4 -Mprof=lines
>> F90FLAGS =
>> #CFLAGS_OPT = -O2  -c -I/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/include 
>> -I/usr/include/openmpi
>> -I/usr/include/openmpi/64/ -L/usr/lib/openmpi
>> #CFLAGS_OPT = -O2  -c -I/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/include 
>> -I/opt/mpich/gnu/include
>> -L/opt/mpich/gnu/lib
>> #CFLAGS_OPT = -O2  -c -I/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/include 
>> -I/opt/intel/impi/3.1/include64/
>> -L/opt/intel/impi/3.1/lib64/ -L/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/lib
>> -I/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/include -L/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/lib 
>> -lhdf5 -lrfftw_mpi
>> -lfftw_mpi -lrttfw
>> CFLAGS_OPT = -O2  -c -I/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/include 
>> -I/opt/intel/impi/3.1/include64/
>> -L/opt/intel/impi/3.1/lib64/ -L/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/lib
>> -I/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/include -L/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/lib 
>> -lhdf5 -ldrfftw_mpi
>> -ldfftw_mpi -ldrfftw -ldfftw
>> CFLAGS_DEBUG = -g -c
>> # if we are using HDF5, we need to specify the path to the include files
>> CFLAGS_HDF5 = -I $(HDF5_PATH)/include
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Linker flags
>> #
>> #  There is a seperate version of the linker flags for each of the 
>> _OPT, # _DEBUG, and
>> _TEST cases.
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> LFLAGS_OPT   = -o
>> LFLAGS_DEBUG = -g -o
>> LFLAGS_TEST  = -Mprof=lines -o
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Library specific linking
>> #
>> #  If a FLASH module has a 'LIBRARY xxx' line in its Config file, we need to
>> #  create a macro in this Makefile.h for LIB_xxx, which will be added to the
>> #  link line when FLASH is built.  This allows us to switch between 
>> different
>> #  (incompatible) libraries.  We also create a _OPT, _DEBUG, and _TEST
>> #  library macro to add any performance-minded libraries (like fast math),
>> #  depending on how FLASH was setup.
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> LIB_TEST  =
>> #LIB_MATH  = -L/u/mateusz/fftw-2.1.5/lib -ldrfftw_mpi -ldfftw_mpi 
>> -ldrfftw -ldfftw
>> #LIB_MATH = -L/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/lib -ldrfftw_mpi -ldfftw_mpi 
>> -ldrfftw -ldfftw
>> LIB_MATH = -L/opt/packages/fftw-2.1.5/lib  
>> -L/opt/packages/hdf5-1.6.6/lib -lrfftw_mpi
>> -lfftw_mpi -lrfftw -lfftw -lhdf5 #LIB_HDF4  = -L $(HDF4_PATH)/lib 
>> -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz
>> LIB_HDF5 = -L $(HDF5_PATH)/lib $(LIB_MATH) -lmpi -lz -lsz
>> #LIB_HDF5  = -lhdf5 $(LIB_MATH) -lmpi
>> LIB_PAPI  =
>> LIB_MPE   =
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Additional machine-dependent object files
>> #
>> #  Add any machine specific files here -- they will be compiled and linked
>> #  when FLASH is built.
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> # Additional commands
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> MV = mv -f
>> AR = ar -r
>> RM = rm -f
>> CD = cd
>> RL = ranlib
>> ECHO = echo

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