[FLASH-USERS] Problem viewing output results in IDL

Arthur Poland apoland at gmu.edu
Wed Jul 2 11:48:39 EDT 2008

We are using IDL to look at results from flash 2.5 and want to look at 
the energy balance and importance of each term in equation 9.32 in the 
flash users guide. Since the diffusive quantities are calculated 
together for efficiency we cannot get each one put out in the plot file, 
they are not calculated individually within flash. Note that my problem 
is only in looking at the data after flash is done with the calculations.
  We are looking at the results in IDL where quantities are interpolated 
onto a constant grid. In principle we can calculate the quantities 
within IDL. However, within the blocks quantities seem to be just set to 
the value in the center of the block rather than interpolated. We are 
having particular problems with Del dot sigma grad T in equation 9.32.
Has anyone developed a better interpolation scheme for filling the 
detailed grid so we can calculate and look at these terms? I think our 
problem seems to be in rebin, called from merge_amr_nnint.pro, called 
from loaddata. It works with each block without knowing what is next to 
it, so it thinks it is extrapolating. Rebin won't extrapolate, so it 
sets quantities to a constant value. This wrecks havoc with derivatives 
and second derivatives, so we can't get energy balance.
Any ideas around it?
Art Poland

Dr. Art Poland
George Mason University
Mail Stop 6A2
4400 University Dr.
Fairfax VA 22030
Research Building I Rm. 346
Dept. of Computational and Data Sciences
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Office 703-993-8404
Home 540-347-5003
Cell 540-222-1940
Fax 540-347-5526

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