[FLASH-USERS] bn_pzExtr

Dean Townsley townsley at uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 1 20:11:59 EDT 2008

Hi Evan,

I do believe that you have found a rather scary bug.
I'm comparing this implementation to Ed Brown's network code, which
implements the same solver in c++.  I think an equivalent comparison
can be made to any of Frank Timmes' downloadable networks.  (in which
this code is closely related to the flash code for this.)

Not only x but also qcol should be static objects across calls to this
function. (i.e. this function updates them)  This means they should
either be declared save or be promoted to module-scope variables
instead of local variables.

Probably this was a mistake in porting this code to flash3.

I would suggest just adding save to them.  Though I would have to look
more carefully if any other similar mistakes have been made.


On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 14:31:15 -0700 Evan Scannapieco wrote:
> We've run in some trouble trying to use the Bader solver
> It appears that in bn_pzExtr delta is computed from x(iest-k1)
> but x is only given initialized at iest.   Are we missing something,
> or does this routine get into trouble if iest is not 1?
> Evan

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