[FLASH-USERS] undefined references in Simulation_init during linking

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Jul 7 12:31:20 EDT 2008

On Sun, 6 Jul 2008, Josef Stöckl wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> Did you check your dependencies in the Makefile? This looks like you haven't
> specified the module dependencies, so the FLASH setup script doesn't know
> that you need the Simulation_data module for linking. Please check, if you
> have something like the following two lines in the Makefile within your
> simulation's directory (source/Simulation/SimulationMain/<simulation
> name>/Makefile):
> Simulation += Simulation_data.o
> Simulation_init.o : Simulation_data.o

A minor additional remark:

The second of those lines should not be necessary any more (but it 
doesn't hurt either). The setup procedure figures out these kinds of 
dependencies automatically (by looking at Fortran USE statements)
and puts them into Makefile.Depend, and that gets included from
the Makefile.


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