[FLASH-USERS] ERROR: unable to allocate temp particle buffer

M.A. Latife latife at astro.rug.nl
Wed Jun 18 05:46:53 EDT 2008

Dear All,
i am running simulation including Particles and gas. when i put more 
resolution like lrefine_min=5 and lrefine_max  =8  and max blocks more 
than 2000 for 2-D i get the following error in log file. Can any body 
tell me why it is happening and what is the possible solution for it.i 
have checked separately for particles and gas for high resolution, both 
work fine.
Best Regards

./setup test -maxblocks=5000 -auto

Following is out put written in log file

  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated at 11:34.03
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=5 
max=5 tot=5
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=4 
max=4 tot=4
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated at 
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=21 
max=21 tot=21
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=16 
max=16 tot=16
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated at 
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=85 
max=85 tot=85
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=64 
max=64 tot=64
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement initiated at 
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks   all:  min=341 
max=341 tot=341
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE] blocks valid:  min=256 
max=256 tot=256
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.03 ] [AMR_REFINE_DEREFINE]: refinement complete
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.04 ] message: [CHECKPOINT_WR] NOTE: will 
send          459     blocks per message.
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.04 ] flash_abort: abort_flash() called by 
PE           0
 [ 06-18-2008  11:34.04 ] abort_message: [CHECKPOINT_WR] ERROR: unable 
to allocate temp particle buffer

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