[FLASH-USERS] possible I/O functions in FLASH3?

Paul M. Rich richp at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Jun 20 12:06:34 EDT 2008


At this point, there are no such interfaces in FLASH3.  Usually when we 
have selected regions or selected particular refinement levels, we have 
done this in the post-processing of the run results.  If you are just 
looking to visualize data at a particular refinement and/or in a 
particular region, the current version of VisIT is capable of selecting 
regions and I believe it is capable of selecting a particular refinement 


Shikui Tang wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I am just wondering whether there are I/O interfaces in FLASH3 
> which are able to write out blocks with certain refinement level or 
> within some specified regions ONLY?  I look through the I/O module but 
> did not find any. If somebody happens to have implemented them 
> already. would you let me know? Thanks a lot!
> Bests,
> Shikui

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