[FLASH-USERS] value of variables at old time step

Anshu Dubey dubey at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Jun 25 10:17:59 EDT 2008

By default FLASH does not retain the values of previous time-step. Once the
calculation is finished, the current values overwrite the previous
time-step. A simple way to
keep values from the previous timestep around is to add two more variables
to unk, say
told, and dold, and just before overwriting the values into temp and dens,
copy those values
into these two variables.

In FLASH3, you can also use scratch variables, but they will have consistent
only if there is no regridding between steps.

The mechanisms for fetching data for a block are listed in the user's guide,
as well as the
online documentation for the FLASH3 API at
Look for functions "Grid_getBlkData" and "Grid_getBlkPtr". FLASH discourages
you from
getting the data for all the blocks at once, though this being FORTRAN, if
you really want to, you can. But you must be very, very familiar with the
code before playing with data at
that internal a level.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 10:06 AM, M.A. Latife <latife at astro.rug.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> Dear All,
> i want to know the old value of density and temperature( at previous time
> step) for every block  . i don't know how to take these values from data
> base. i also want to know how can i  take the values of variables for one
> block or for all blocks.
> can any body help me
> Thanks in Advance
> Cheers
> Latif
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