[FLASH-USERS] Maximum number of blocks

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Thu Mar 20 10:06:00 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I have a question about the maximum amount of blocks you can use for a 
simulation. I want to increase my resolution and give a high number for 
maxblocks, but I get an error that  a common block or variable may not 
exceed 2147483647 bytes. See the error below.
The setup is successfull "./setup jeans_SH -auto -maxblocks=90000", but 
while making it has this error.

Is there a way to increase my resolution without this error?


cd object; make
make[1]: Entering directory 
mpif90 -c -r8 -i4 -fast -ipo -ipo_obj  -I /usr/local/mpich2/include  
mpif90 -c -r8 -i4 -fast -ipo -ipo_obj  -I /usr/local/mpich2/include  
-DN_DIM=2 -DMAXBLOCKS=90000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1  Friedmann.F90
mpif90 -c -r8 -i4 -fast -ipo -ipo_obj  -I /usr/local/mpich2/include  
-DN_DIM=2 -DMAXBLOCKS=90000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1  physicaldata.F90
fortcom: Error: physicaldata.F90, line 196: A common block or variable 
may not exceed 2147483647 bytes
     kl_bnd:ku_bnd,maxblocks), TARGET :: unk
compilation aborted for physicaldata.F90 (code 1)
make[1]: *** [physicaldata.o] Error 1

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