[FLASH-USERS] Unsupported boundary condititions

Anshu Dubey dubey at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed May 7 09:06:41 EDT 2008

It appears that you are using the multigrid solver for gravity in your
Self gravity in FLASH does not support outflow boundary conditions, most of
other solvers do. From the setups included with the distribution you can
check out
"Sod" and "Sedov", they both use outflow boundary conditions.


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Josef Stöckl <josef.stoeckl at uibk.ac.at>

> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up a problem with "outflow" boundary conditions, but
> when I choose this BC type I always get the following message in my log:
> gr_hgMapBcType: An unexpected gr_hgBndConditions was requested for the
> WORK array
> Looking inside that file seems to suggest that at the moment only a few
> boundary conditions are implemented and not all, which the Flash 3 Manual
> lists. Is there some development version of the Grid code available that
> handles outflow conditions?
> Thanks in advance and best regards to all,
> Josef
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