[FLASH-USERS] Unsupported boundary condititions

Josef Stöckl josef.stoeckl at uibk.ac.at
Wed May 7 09:22:24 EDT 2008

Hi John,

Actually I did have grav_boundary_type set to "periodic" in my tries, 
but it doesn't seem like it changed anything.

The problem I'm trying to set up is a cosmological cluster simulation, 
where it is usually best to have "in/outflow" boundaries set (depending 
on the code) to prevent some unwanted effects in the hydrodynamics and 

Thanks and best regards,

John ZuHone wrote:
> Josef,
> Following up on Anshu's recommendation, if you are using the multigrid 
> solver the boundary condition you probably want to use is "isolated" 
> (I'm guessing at what kind of problem you're trying to run, if you 
> could specify that information that would also be helpful). This is 
> what you need to set the "grav_boundary_type" parameter to in your 
> flash.par. Other parameters, "xl_boundary", "xr_boundary", etc, should 
> be set to outflow.
> Best,
> John
> For hydrodynamics and/or particles, the bou
> On May 7, 2008, at 8:04 AM, Josef Stöckl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to set up a problem with "outflow" boundary conditions, 
>> but when I choose this BC type I always get the following message in 
>> my log:
>> gr_hgMapBcType: An unexpected gr_hgBndConditions was requested for 
>> the WORK array
>> Looking inside that file seems to suggest that at the moment only a 
>> few boundary conditions are implemented and not all, which the Flash 
>> 3 Manual lists. Is there some development version of the Grid code 
>> available that handles outflow conditions?
>> Thanks in advance and best regards to all,
>> Josef
>> <josef_stoeckl.vcf>

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