[FLASH-USERS] saving the data of all blocks and refinement

M.A. Latife latife at astro.rug.nl
Mon Oct 13 15:51:14 EDT 2008

Dear All,
I want to save the value of density and temperature of all blocks at 
previous time to use them in EOS3d.F90.
I am saving the values of temperature and density in 
Hydro_sweep.F90.Unksm,This scratch array stores the values of internal 
zones only not guard cells.Can i save data at previous time step not 
only interior zones but guard cells as well?
I am saving these values before calls are made for hydro_1d and 
update_soln.it seems me that density is updated while calling 
hydro_1d.F90. am i right? if not then where density is updated.
My second question.
When refinement takes place and more blocks are added at new time step 
but i have zero values in  newly added blocks as i  save data before 
calls are made to hydro_1d and update_soln.f90 at previous time step.How 
FLASH handles these newly added blocks( i think takes data from parent 
block) .How can i avoid these zero values in newly added blocks and add 
proper vales in them?
Any idea?

 What i am doing is following
do block_no = 1, lnblocks

       if (dBaseNodeType(block_no) .eq. 1) then

          unk1blk => dBaseGetDataPtrSingleBlock( block_no, GC )

! save the old temperature and  density

          do k = nguard*k3d+1, nguard*k3d+nzb
             do j = nguard*k2d+1, nguard*k2d+nyb
                do i = nguard+1, nguard+nxb
                   unksm(itemp_old,i,j,k,block_no) = unk1blk(itemp,i,j,k)
           unksm(idens_old,i,j,k,block_no) = unk1blk(idens,i,j,k)

Thanks in advance
Kind Regards

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