[FLASH-USERS] Vector field visualization with VISIT

John ZuHone zuhone at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Sep 5 19:33:45 EDT 2008

Hello Mark,

It's actually fairly simple. Using the "Expressions..." item in the  
"Controls..." menu, you can create a new variable of a vector type.  
Just choose a name, choose "Vector Mesh Variable" from the "Type" drop- 
down box, and then put the variable in this format in the "Definition":

{magx, magy, magz}

which creates a three-dimensional vector from the three scalar  
components. You'll probably have to choose the variable names from  
"Insert Variable" since they're not likely to be exactly magx, etc.  
but some variant of those depending on your version of VisIt and  
FLASH. This does work, though, as I use it to generate velocity  
vectors from velx, vely, and velz.


John ZuHone

On Sep 5, 2008, at 6:18 PM, Mark Miesch wrote:

> Hi all -
> A quick question about  using VISIT for FLASH visualization.
> I'd like to make streamline plots of the magnetic field from an
> MHD FLASH simulation.  I can read the data into VISIT just fine
> but it interprets magx, magy and magz as scalar fields.  How
> do I let VISIT know that these are three components of a
> vector field so I can enable streamline and vector plots?
> Many thanks,
> - Mark
> Mark Miesch
> Boulder, CO 80307-3000
> 303-497-1582
> miesch at ucar.edu

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