[FLASH-USERS] 3D spherical with PPM?

Rodrigo Fernandez fernandez at astro.utoronto.ca
Wed Apr 29 12:37:23 EDT 2009

Dear FLASH users,

I'm interested in performing 3D PPM simulations in spherical coordinates 
(r,theta,phi). The FLASH 3.1.1 user's guide indicates that, even though 
the grid in principle allows this configuration (Table 8.5), the Grid 
unit and PPM only support 1D and 2D spherical (section 8.10.4).

A superficial look at the PPM source code indicates that the only routine 
that explicitly rejects 3D spherical is Hydro_detectShock.F90; other 
routines such as hy_ppm_completeGeomFactors.F90 account for a phi 
coordinate. Aside from the "quadratic_spherical" prolongation subroutines, 
many Paramesh 2.0 subroutines seem to account for phi but are manually 
prevented from doing so via a Driver_abortFlash.

Is there any other reason (aside from the shock detection algorithm and 
spherical prolongation) why FLASH3.1.1 does not officially support 3D 
spherical PPM?

In other words, which other parts of the code should I focus on if I want 
to implement this capability?



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