[FLASH-USERS] suggestions for FLASH format modification

Tomasz Plewa tplewa at fsu.edu
Wed Apr 29 16:46:33 EDT 2009

Dear FLASH Developers -

I would like to suggest modifying plotfile format to preserve full (8 
byte/double precision) accuracy for all floating point data except 
state/scratch/unk-like variables.

This will not add to the size of output files in any significant way but 
will allow using plotfiles for visualizing models with > 1e6 spatial 
dynamic range.

Clearly, such a modification would require some (hopefully equally 
minor) changes to data analysis/visualization tools  (FLASH plugin 
reader for VisIt, parts of fidlr). To allow for format compatibility, 
the accuracy of non-state data in the plotfile output could be 
controlled by either a configuration flag or additional runtime parameter.


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