[FLASH-USERS] Negative/zero densities and internal energies after filling gc

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Thu Apr 9 05:53:06 EDT 2009

Thanks to everybody who replied.

To James, my problem seems to be related to your AMR prolong problem.

Klaus. I am very supprised you couldn't reproduce the problem. I 
downloaded a clean version of Flash3.1.1a and only changed these runtime 
parameters, without any other modification. You do keep lrefine_min = 4 
I hope. Do you see any (partial) refinement happening, i.e. refined 
total blocks = 277? As I am writing this, I realise I forgot 1 more 
thing. I also reduced reference density to see partial refinement. So, 
reference_density = 1.4E7.

To sum it up:
Clean version 3.1.1a
Jeans setup, only changing runtime parameters like this.
 > lrefine_max =  5
 > reference_density =  1.4E7
 > refine_cutoff_1 = 1.0

My setup was like this: ./setup Jeans -auto -portable -maxblocks=2000 && 
cd object && make -j 8 && ./flash3

If you or anybody else can't reproduce this error, then the problem is 
possibly not in the code but in the environment.
Could anybody else try this out?


Ross: I will try your modification as well. If I understand you 
correctly, I have to put a call to Grid_getlistofblocks in 
Driver_evolveFlash before source terms are called.

Klaus Weide wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, Seyit Hocuk wrote:
>> Hi community,
>> I've switched to Flash3.1.1a (from version 2.5),
> Congratulations!
>> but when I try to run my setup, comparable to the Jeans setup, I 
>> encounter problems. If I am running without cooling and with a 
>> uniform grid (lref_max=lref_min), then everything seems ok. However, 
>> if I add the cooling module OR I have adaptive refinement, zero or 
>> negative densities/internal energies appear (or lower than the 
>> "small" values). These cause the refinement to be messed up and of 
>> course leads to crashes. The error outpusts are shown below. From 
>> there, I notice that the error might come from guard cell filling.
>> I test the standard Jeans setup and the same problems occur.
>> Just changing and adding in flash.par:
>> lrefine_max = 5
>> refine_cutoff_1 = 1.0
> I have run the Jeans problem from FLASH 3.1.1 with your runtime 
> parameter modifications, but could not reproduce any failures.
> Perhaps you have made some other changes to the code?
> I was also using an Intel compiler on CentOS.
>> On several occasions I have checked the Eos_wrapped.F90 file and 
>> found the location where it might go wrong;
>> just before reading solnData eint/dens was ok, but after this the 
>> values are crazy. Btw., I don't use massFractions ad haven't 
>> implemented Multispecies and no species are initiated.
>>       eosData(pres+1:pres+vecLen) = &
>>            solnData(PRES_VAR,range(LOW,IAXIS):range(HIGH,IAXIS),j,k)
>>       eosData(dens+1:dens+vecLen) = &
>>            solnData(DENS_VAR,range(LOW,IAXIS):range(HIGH,IAXIS),j,k)
>>       eosData(temp+1:temp+vecLen) = &
>>            solnData(TEMP_VAR,range(LOW,IAXIS):range(HIGH,IAXIS),j,k)
>>       eosData(gamc+1:gamc+vecLen) = &
>>            solnData(GAMC_VAR,range(LOW,IAXIS):range(HIGH,IAXIS),j,k)
>>       eosData(eint+1:eint+vecLen) = energyInternal(1:vecLen)
>>       call 
>> Eos(mode,vecLen,eosData)!,massFraction)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
> Make sure your code has
>     use Eos_interface, ONLY: Eos
> in any functions and subroutines that call Eos. This is particularly 
> necessary for the Eos subroutine because Eos has optional arguments.
> Klaus

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