[FLASH-USERS] about viscosity

Anshu Dubey dubey at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Apr 30 15:05:45 EDT 2009

It is definitely worth switching to FLASH3.1.1a, the newest release.
There is an implementation of constant viscosity in that distribution,
which has undergone some testing, and at least one person we know is
using it. Additionally, you are likely to get better support from us
if you are using FLASH 3, it has been the production code in the
center  for over two years now, so there is very little remaining
knowledge of FLASH 2.

A direct reply to your email address (not including the mailing list) bounced.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Silvia at UCSC <sverdoli at ucsc.edu> wrote:
> Dear Flash Users,
> I am dealing with viscosity. With the aim of reproducing the analytic
> results of Pringle, J. E. 1981, Ann. Rev. Astr. Ap., 19, 137 of the spread
> of a disk due to the viscosity, I set a isobaric ring of material in 2d
> polar coordinates, with an initial gaussian density profile, with a point
> mass potential, outflow boundaries.
> The constant viscosity module introduces an instability that is the opposite
> of what expected.
> What I would like to know is:
> Is there a way to fix the viscosity in FLASH2.5? What am I doing wrong?
> Has the viscosity been fixed already in FLASH3.1? Is it worth to switch?
> Please email me for more details.
> Waiting for an answer.
> Best wishes,
> Silvia

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