[FLASH-USERS] =?GB2312?Q?Re=3A_=5BFLASH=2DUSERS=5D_compiling_issue=2D=2Derror=3A_too_few_ar?= =?GB2312?Q?guments_to_function_=5BWINDOWS=2D1252=3F=5D=A1j5Dopen2=3F_size=3D?=
Nathan Hearn
nhearn at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 6 20:00:11 EST 2009
Hi Ken,
As I understand it, H5Dopen2 (versus the usual H5Dopen command)
was introduced with HDF5 1.8 as part of the new interface. (The old
interface is now called H5Dopen1.) This suggests that the compiler is
using the header files from HDF5 1.8. The gcc call that you reported,
gcc -I/home/ken/flash2/include -c -O2
-I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc -I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc/64
-DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2 io_h5read_bflags.c
does not appear to have a -I option for the HDF5 headers; if so, the
compiler must be using another method to find them. (Is it possible
that 1.8 is installed in a default location, such as
/usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib?) Do you know what versions of
HDF5 are installed on this platform, and where they are located? You
may need to explicitly tell the compiler (through the HDF5 settings in
Makefile.h) where to find the correct files.
I don't think this problem is directly related to the compiler,
other than the compiler finding the headers for version 1.8 before it
finds the ones for 1.6. Could you provide a copy of your Makefile.h?
- Nathan
2009/2/6 Ken Chen <ken at asiaa.sinica.edu.tw>:
> Hi Nathan and all:
> Thanks~~ I tried HDF 1.8 and 1.6 but it seemed that I got the same error problem. I am
> just wondering what HDF5 flag and HDF5 lib I should use. Or it is related the compiler
> issues?? Thanks for any comments.
> cheers;
> Ken
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