[FLASH-USERS] 3DMHD +usm, jumps of divb at refinement jumps
Anshu Dubey
dubey at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 20 11:26:47 EST 2009
Non fixed blocksize UG mode by default uses parallel IO. The output is
written as a
single large block, and that is the only way to restart on a different number of
processors, and that mode has to be necessarily parallel. You can
either use parallel
hdf5, or switch to using fixed blocksize UG, which does have serial IO support.
In principle there is nothing that prevents serial IO from being used
with nonfixedblocksize
mode, but some Config files may need tweaking to enable that. We will
look into it
and get back to you.
You have to keep in mind that if you use serial IO, then for all
practical purposes
your mode reduces to fixed blocksize mode if you wish to restart. You
can restart
on exactly the same number of processors, and in exactly the same configuration
of those processors, as the original from_scratch run.
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Martin Huarte-Espinosa <mh475 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Chris and thanks for your answer. I've tried the following,
> unsuccessfully:
> ./setup /Sysims/mhd_ug_nofbs -3d +usm -auto -opt +nofbs +serialIO
> -objdir=mhd_ug_nofbs -site=apgrid && cd mhd_ug_nofbs/ && make
> Best,
> Martin HE.
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Chris Daley <cdaley at flash.uchicago.edu>
> wrote:
>> This is only a response to your first problem. I think FLASH is
>> failing to link because your HDF5 build does not have parallel IO
>> support. If you would like to use parallel IO, re-build HDF5 with the
>> additional configure options "--enable-parallel CC=mpicc". If not,
>> then simply add the shortcut +serialIO during FLASH setup for serial IO.
>> Regards,
>> Chris
>> Martin Huarte-Espinosa wrote:
>>> Good day Flash community:
>>> Two questions. I'll be really thankful if you had any hints about them.
>>> 1) I'm trying to complie flash3.1 for a uniform grid with no fixed block
>>> size:
>>> ./setup mhd_ug_nofbs -3d +usm -auto -opt +nofbs -site=apgrid
>>> and I get:
>>> /-L/mraosw/data1/mh475/krause/lib/hdf/5-1.6.5-amd-icc/lib -lhdf5 -lz
>>> -lhdf5_fortran -L/mraosw/data1/mh475/krause/lib/mpich-1.2.6/lib -lmpich
>>> /home/krause/dataw/lib/mpich-1.2.4/lib/libmpich.a(p4_secure.o)(.text+0x91):
>>> In function `start_slave':
>>> : warning: Using 'getpwuid' in statically linked applications requires at
>>> runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
>>> /mraosw/data1/mh475/krause/lib/hdf/5-1.6.5-amd-icc/lib/libhdf5.a(H5FDstream.o)(.text+0x723):
>>> In function `H5FD_stream_open_socket':
>>> : warning: Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked applications
>>> requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for
>>> linking
>>> io_h5file_interface.o(.text+0x6d): In function `io_h5init_file_':
>>> : undefined reference to `H5Pset_fapl_mpio'
>>> io_h5file_interface.o(.text+0x12f): In function
>>> `io_h5open_file_for_read_':
>>> : undefined reference to `H5Pset_fapl_mpio'
>>> make: *** [flash3] Error 1/
>>> I've tried, unsuccessfully, to edit some parts of the cluster's
>>> Makefile.h.
>>> 2) I'm implementing a gas with a random magnetic distribution. I generate
>>> the magnetic fields outside flash, making sure their divb~1.e-14. I then
>>> read these fields into Flash3.1 and they work well for a uniform grid or
>>> with the AMR with lrefine_max=lrefine_min. However, if I give lrefine_max
>>> different from lrefine_min, divb appears to be fine at time=0, but after the
>>> first timestep it gets jumps up to ~ 0.1 at cells adjacent to refinement
>>> jumps only. I'm attaching important bits of info below.
>>> Thanks a lot.
>>> ./setup MySims/mhd_01 -3d +usm -auto -opt -maxblocks=400 -site=darwin
>>> ------------------------
>>> /subroutine Simulation_initBlock(blockID, myPE, F) ! following the setup
>>> from the Fields loop test problem/
>>> / use Simulation_data, ONLY : sim_gCell, sim_gamma, &/
>>> / sim_smallX, sim_smallP, &/
>>> / sim_beta, sim_B_cluster, &/
>>> / sim_killdivb, sim_rc, &/
>>> /sim_xMin, sim_xMax, sim_yMin, &/
>>> /sim_yMax, sim_zMin, sim_zMax, &/
>>> /sim_n_cube/
>>> /! use Grid_data, ONLY : gr_nBlockX, gr_nBlockY, gr_nBlockZ/
>>> /! use tree, ONLY : lrefine_max, lrefine_min/
>>> / use Grid_interface, ONLY : Grid_getBlkIndexLimits, &/
>>> / Grid_getCellCoords, &/
>>> / Grid_getBlkPtr, &/
>>> / Grid_releaseBlkPtr/
>>> / use Driver_interface, ONLY : Driver_abortFlash/
>>> / /
>>> / implicit none/
>>> /#include "constants.h"/
>>> /#include "Flash.h"/
>>> / !!$ Arguments -----------------------/
>>> / integer, intent(in) :: blockID, myPE/
>>> / !!$ ---------------------------------/
>>> / integer :: i, j, k, n, istat, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ/
>>> / integer, dimension(2,MDIM) :: blkLimits, blkLimitsGC/
>>> / real :: enerZone, ekinZone, eintZone/
>>> / real :: rot, radius, dx, dy, dz, r0, taper, vel_factor/
>>> / real, allocatable,dimension(:) :: xCoord,xCoordL,xCoordR,&/
>>> / yCoord,yCoordL,yCoordR,&/
>>> / zCoord,zCoordL,zCoordR/
>>> / real, dimension(MDIM) :: del/
>>> / real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: solnData, facexData, faceyData,
>>> facezData/
>>> / real :: xx,yy,zz/
>>> / real, dimension(GRID_IHI_GC+1,GRID_JHI_GC+1,GRID_KHI_GC+1) ::
>>> Az,Ax,Ay/
>>> / //#else /
>>> / real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: Az,Ax,Ay/
>>> / //#endif /
>>> /logical, save :: once=.true., once2=.true., VecPotA=.true./
>>> / integer :: ii, jj, kk/
>>> / real :: B0, x_slope, y_slope, z_slope, &/
>>> / idl_x_ini, idl_x_end, &/
>>> / idl_y_ini, idl_y_end, &/
>>> / idl_z_ini, idl_z_end, &/
>>> /largestCell, minimumX, maximumX, &/
>>> / minimumY, maximumY ,&/
>>> / minimumZ, maximumZ, &/
>>> / stdev_b, max_b, mean_pres, mean_b, norm_b
>>> // real, dimension(3,sim_n_cube,sim_n_cube,sim_n_cube), intent(in)
>>> :: F
>>> !contains the previously-generated magnetic fields
>>> //!!/
>>> / ! dump some output to stdout listing the paramters/
>>> / if (myPE == MASTER_PE) then/
>>> /1 format (1X, 1P, 4(A7, E13.7, :, 1X))/
>>> /2 format (1X, 1P, 2(A7, E13.7, 1X), A7, I13)/
>>> / endif/
>>> / call Grid_getBlkIndexLimits(blockId,blkLimits,blkLimitsGC)/
>>> / sizeX = blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)-blkLimitsGC(LOW,IAXIS)+1/
>>> / sizeY = blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)-blkLimitsGC(LOW,JAXIS)+1/
>>> / sizeZ = blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)-blkLimitsGC(LOW,KAXIS)+1/
>>> / allocate(xCoord(sizeX), stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(xCoordL(sizeX),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(xCoordR(sizeX),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(yCoord(sizeY), stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(yCoordL(sizeY),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(yCoordR(sizeY),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(zCoord(sizeZ), stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(zCoordL(sizeZ),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(zCoordR(sizeZ),stat=istat)/
>>> / xCoord = 0.0/
>>> / xCoordL = 0.0/
>>> / xCoordR = 0.0/
>>> / yCoord = 0.0/
>>> / yCoordL = 0.0/
>>> / yCoordR = 0.0/
>>> / zCoord = 0.0/
>>> / zCoordL = 0.0/
>>> / zCoordR = 0.0/
>>> /#ifndef FIXEDBLOCKSIZE/
>>> / if (NDIM == 2) then/
>>> / allocate(Ax(sizeX+1,sizeY+1,1),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(Ay(sizeX+1,sizeY+1,1),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(Az(sizeX+1,sizeY+1,1),stat=istat)/
>>> / // elseif (NDIM == 3) then/
>>> / allocate(Ax(sizeX+1,sizeY+1,sizeZ+1),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(Ay(sizeX+1,sizeY+1,sizeZ+1),stat=istat)/
>>> / allocate(Az(sizeX+1,sizeY+1,sizeZ+1),stat=istat)/
>>> / // endif/
>>> /#endif/
>>> / if (NDIM == 3) then/
>>> / call Grid_getCellCoords(KAXIS,blockId,CENTER, sim_gCell,zCoord,
>>> sizeZ)/
>>> / call Grid_getCellCoords(KAXIS,blockId,LEFT_EDGE,
>>> sim_gCell,zCoordL,sizeZ)/
>>> / call
>>> Grid_getCellCoords(KAXIS,blockId,RIGHT_EDGE,sim_gCell,zCoordR,sizeZ)/
>>> / endif/
>>> / if (NDIM >= 2) then/
>>> / call Grid_getCellCoords(JAXIS,blockId,CENTER, sim_gCell,yCoord,
>>> sizeY)/
>>> / call Grid_getCellCoords(JAXIS,blockId,LEFT_EDGE,
>>> sim_gCell,yCoordL,sizeY)/
>>> / call
>>> Grid_getCellCoords(JAXIS,blockId,RIGHT_EDGE,sim_gCell,yCoordR,sizeY)/
>>> / endif/
>>> / call Grid_getCellCoords(IAXIS,blockId,CENTER, sim_gCell,xCoord,
>>> sizeX)/
>>> / call Grid_getCellCoords(IAXIS,blockId,LEFT_EDGE,
>>> sim_gCell,xCoordL,sizeX)/
>>> / call
>>> Grid_getCellCoords(IAXIS,blockId,RIGHT_EDGE,sim_gCell,xCoordR,sizeX)/
>>> / call Grid_getDeltas(blockID,del)/
>>> / dx = del(1)/
>>> / dy = del(2)/
>>> / dz = del(3)/
>>> /
>>> !------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
>>> / ! Construct Az at each cell corner/
>>> / ! Bx = dAz/dy - dAy/dz/
>>> / ! By = dAx/dz - dAz/dx/
>>> / ! Bz = dAy/dx - dAx/dy/
>>> / Az = 0./
>>> / Ax = 0./
>>> / Ay = 0.
>>> x_ini = 1.
>>> y_ini = 1. z_ini = 1.
>>> x_end = real(sim_n_cube)
>>> y_end = real(sim_n_cube)
>>> z_end = real(sim_n_cube)
>>> minimumX = sim_xMin - 4.d0*dx
>>> minimumY = sim_yMin - 4.d0*dy
>>> minimumZ = sim_zMin - 4.d0*dz
>>> maximumX = sim_xMax + 4.d0*dx
>>> maximumY = sim_yMax + 4.d0*dy
>>> maximumZ = sim_zMax + 4.d0*dz /
>>> / /
>>> / x_slope = (x_end-x_ini)/(maximumX-minimumX)/
>>> / y_slope = (y_end-y_ini)/(maximumY-minimumY) /
>>> / z_slope = (z_end-z_ini)/(maximumZ-minimumZ) /
>>> / /
>>> / do k = blkLimitsGC(LOW,KAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)+1/
>>> / do j = blkLimitsGC(LOW,JAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)+1/
>>> / do i = blkLimitsGC(LOW,IAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)+1/
>>> / ! x Coord at cell corner/
>>> / if (i <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)) then/
>>> / xx = xCoordL(i)/
>>> / else/
>>> / xx = xCoordR(i-1)/
>>> / endif/
>>> / ! y Coord at cell corner/
>>> / if (j <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)) then/
>>> / yy = yCoordL(j)/
>>> / else/
>>> / yy = yCoordR(j-1)/
>>> / endif/
>>> / ! z Coord at cell corner/
>>> / if (k <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)) then/
>>> / zz = zCoordL(k)/
>>> / else/
>>> / zz = zCoordR(k-1)/
>>> / endif/
>>> / ii = nint( x_slope*(xx-minimumX)+idl_x_ini ) /
>>> / jj = nint( y_slope*(yy-minimumY)+idl_y_ini )/
>>> / kk = nint( z_slope*(zz-minimumZ)+idl_z_ini )/
>>> /!--------------------------------------------------------------/
>>> /if ( (ii.lt.idl_x_ini).or.(ii.gt.idl_x_end).or.&/
>>> / (jj.lt.idl_y_ini).or.(jj.gt.idl_y_end).or.& /
>>> / (kk.lt.idl_z_ini).or.(kk.gt.idl_z_end) ) &/
>>> /call Driver_abortFlash("*** init_block, IDL-Flash coords. error ***")/
>>> /!!--------------------------------------------------------------/
>>> !Read the outise-fields into flash
>>> / Ax(i,j,k) = F(1,ii,jj,kk)/
>>> / Ay(i,j,k) = F(2,ii,jj,kk)/
>>> / Az(i,j,k) = F(3,ii,jj,kk)/
>>> / /
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> /!Initial conditions:/
>>> / call Grid_getBlkPtr(blockID,solnData,CENTER)/
>>> /#if NFACE_VARS > 0/
>>> / if (sim_killdivb) then/
>>> / call Grid_getBlkPtr(blockID,facexData,FACEX)/
>>> / call Grid_getBlkPtr(blockID,faceyData,FACEY)/
>>> / if (NDIM == 3) call Grid_getBlkPtr(blockID,facezData,FACEZ)/
>>> / endif/
>>> /#endif/
>>> / ! Loop over cells within the block./
>>> / do k = blkLimitsGC(LOW,KAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)/
>>> / do j = blkLimitsGC(LOW,JAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)/
>>> / do i = blkLimitsGC(LOW,IAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)/
>>> / solnData(SPECIES_BEGIN,i,j,k)=1.0e0-(NSPECIES-1)*sim_smallX/
>>> / solnData(n,i,j,k)=sim_smallX/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / /
>>> / solnData(DENS_VAR,i,j,k)= 1./
>>> / solnData(PRES_VAR,i,j,k)= solnData(DENS_VAR,i,j,k)/sim_gamma
>>> /
>>> / solnData(VELX_VAR,i,j,k)= 0.d0/
>>> / solnData(VELY_VAR,i,j,k)= 0.d0/
>>> / solnData(VELZ_VAR,i,j,k)= 0.d0/
>>> / /
>>> / /
>>> / ! Compute the gas energy and set the gamma-values needed for
>>> the EOS/
>>> / ekinZone = 0.5 *
>>> dot_product(solnData(VELX_VAR:VELZ_VAR,i,j,k),&/
>>> /
>>> solnData(VELX_VAR:VELZ_VAR,i,j,k))/
>>> / ! specific internal energy/
>>> / eintZone =
>>> solnData(PRES_VAR,i,j,k)/(sim_gamma-1.)/solnData(DENS_VAR,i,j,k)/
>>> / ! total specific gas energy/
>>> / enerZone = eintZone + ekinZone/
>>> / ! Take a limit value/
>>> / enerZone = max(enerZone, sim_smallP)/
>>> / solnData(ENER_VAR,i,j,k)=enerZone/
>>> / solnData(EINT_VAR,i,j,k)=eintZone/
>>> / solnData(GAMC_VAR,i,j,k)=sim_gamma/
>>> / solnData(GAME_VAR,i,j,k)=sim_gamma/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> /!! CURL:/
>>> / do k = blkLimitsGC(LOW,KAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)+1/
>>> / do j = blkLimitsGC(LOW,JAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)+1/
>>> / do i = blkLimitsGC(LOW,IAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)+1/
>>> / if ( (j <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)).and.&/
>>> / (k <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)) ) then/
>>> / facexData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)= -(Ay(i ,j
>>> ,k+1)-Ay(i,j,k))/dz &/
>>> /+(Az(i ,j+1,k )-Az(i,j,k))/dy/
>>> / end if/
>>> / if ( (i <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)).and.&/
>>> / (k <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)) ) then/
>>> / faceyData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)= (Ax(i ,j
>>> ,k+1)-Ax(i,j,k))/dz &/
>>> /-(Az(i+1,j ,k )-Az(i,j,k))/dx/
>>> / end if/
>>> / if ( (j <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)).and.&/
>>> / (i <=blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)) ) then/
>>> / facezData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)= -(Ax(i ,j+1,k
>>> )-Ax(i,j,k))/dy &/
>>> /+(Ay(i+1,j ,k )-Ay(i,j,k))/dx/
>>> / end if/
>>> /!N end/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / /!!B, DIVB AND MAGP:
>>> / do k=blkLimitsGC(LOW,KAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,KAXIS)/
>>> / do j = blkLimitsGC(LOW,JAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)/
>>> / do i = blkLimitsGC(LOW,IAXIS),blkLimitsGC(HIGH,IAXIS)
>>> /
>>> / solnData(MAGX_VAR,i,j,k) =
>>> 0.5*(facexData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)+facexData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i+1,j,k))/
>>> / solnData(MAGY_VAR,i,j,k) =
>>> 0.5*(faceyData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)+faceyData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j+1,k))/
>>> / if (NDIM == 3) then/
>>> / solnData(MAGZ_VAR,i,j,k) =
>>> 0.5*(facezData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)+facezData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k+1))/
>>> / endif/
>>> / /
>>> / solnData(DIVB_VAR,i,j,k)= &/
>>> / (facexData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i+1,j, k ) -
>>> facexData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k))/dx &/
>>> / + (faceyData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i, j+1,k ) -
>>> faceyData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k))/dy/
>>> / solnData(DIVB_VAR,i,j,k)= solnData(DIVB_VAR,i,j,k) &/
>>> / + (facezData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i, j, k+1) -
>>> facezData(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k))/dz/
>>> / solnData(MAGP_VAR,i,j,k) =
>>> .5*dot_product(solnData(MAGX_VAR:MAGZ_VAR,i,j,k),&/
>>> /
>>> solnData(MAGX_VAR:MAGZ_VAR,i,j,k))/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / enddo/
>>> / ! Release pointer/
>>> / call Grid_releaseBlkPtr(blockID,solnData,CENTER)/
>>> /#if NFACE_VARS > 0/
>>> / if (sim_killdivb) then/
>>> / call Grid_releaseBlkPtr(blockID,facexData,FACEX)/
>>> / call Grid_releaseBlkPtr(blockID,faceyData,FACEY)/
>>> / if (NDIM == 3) call Grid_releaseBlkPtr(blockID,facezData,FACEZ)/
>>> / endif/
>>> /#endif/
>>> /deallocate(xCoord)/
>>> /deallocate(xCoordL)/
>>> /deallocate(xCoordR)/
>>> /!/
>>> /deallocate(yCoord)/
>>> /deallocate(yCoordL)/
>>> /deallocate(yCoordR)/
>>> /deallocate(zCoord)/
>>> /deallocate(zCoordL)/
>>> /deallocate(zCoordR)/
>>> /#ifndef FIXEDBLOCKSIZE/
>>> / deallocate(Az)/
>>> / deallocate(Ax)/
>>> / deallocate(Ay)/
>>> /#endif/
>>> /end subroutine Simulation_initBlock/
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> flash.par:
>>> sim_n_cube = 73 #= 64+8guard+1curl
>>> nblockx = 1
>>> nblocky = 1
>>> nblockz = 1
>>> lrefine_max = 5
>>> lrefine_min = 3
>>> refine_var_1 = "velx"
>>> nrefs = 2
>>> run_comment = "14Feb09-1"
>>> log_file = "14Feb09-1.log"
>>> basenm = "14Feb09-1-"
>>> restart = .false.
>>> nend = 10
>>> checkPointFileNumber = 1
>>> tmax = 4.0
>>> checkpointFileIntervalTime = 1.0
>>> plotFileIntervalTime = 8.e-4 #2.5e-2
>>> dtmax = 0.02 #0.01
>>> plotFileNumber = 0
>>> sim_beta = 100.0 #Magnetic beta
>>> gamma = 1.666666666667
>>> geometry = "cartesian"
>>> xmin = -0.5
>>> xmax = 0.5
>>> ymin = -0.5
>>> ymax = 0.5
>>> zmin = -0.5
>>> zmax = 0.5
>>> xl_boundary_type = "outflow"
>>> xr_boundary_type = "outflow"
>>> yl_boundary_type = "outflow"
>>> yr_boundary_type = "outflow"
>>> zl_boundary_type = "outflow"
>>> zr_boundary_type = "outflow"
>>> # Simulation (grid, time, I/O) parameters
>>> cfl = 0.3
>>> dtini = 1.e-12
>>> plot_var_1 = "dens"
>>> plot_var_2 = "velx"
>>> plot_var_3 = "vely"
>>> plot_var_4 = "velz"
>>> plot_var_5 = "pres"
>>> plot_var_6 = "magx"
>>> plot_var_7 = "magy"
>>> plot_var_8 = "magz"
>>> plot_var_9 = "divb"
>>> plot_var_10 = "magp"
>>> convertToConsvdInMeshInterp = .true.
>>> eintSwitch = 1.e-6
>>> #MHD:
>>> ForceHydroLimit = .false. #(set .true. when using hydro limit B=0)
>>> sim_B_cluster = 1.0
>>> UnitSystem = "none"
>>> resistive_mhd = .false.
>>> killdivb = .true.
>>> flux_correct = .true.
>>> order = 2 #(first / second order scheme)
>>> slopeLimiter = "vanLeer" #(minmod, mc, vanLeer, hybrid, limited)
>>> LimitedSlopeBeta= 1. # only needed for the limited slope by Toro
>>> charLimiting = .true. #(.false. will give primitive limitings)
>>> E_modification = .true. #(.false. will use simple arithmetic avg)
>>> energyFix = .true. #(.false. will not fix total energy due to
>>> div-free magnetic pressure)
>>> facevar2ndOrder = .true. #(.false. will give less accurate
>>> solution but fast performance)
>>> RiemannSolver = "hll"
>>> # CTU integrator
>>> CTU = .false. #(6-solve CTU scheme, not recommended)
>>> # Prolongation method of Facevars
>>> prolMethod = "injection_prol" #(injecton_prol, balsara_prol)
>>> #ICM initial conditions with a central initial jet /10:
>>> smlrho = 1.0e-4 # dens_j/10.
>>> smallp = 1.e-3 # ~ min(pres)_ICM/10
>>> smalle = 0.00900001 #(1/gamma)/((gamma-1)*1)/10: initial IMC
>>> Therm Energy/10
>>> #15.0
>>> #smallt = 1.000
>>> #Total energy minimum limit
>>> smallu = 0.000900001 #[(1/gamma)/((gamma-1)*1) + 0.]/10 initial
>>> IMC Total Energy/10
>>> #15.5 #smallp/((gamma-1)smlrho)+.5(1)
>>> #1815.0 #smallp/((gamma-1)smlrho)+.5(vel_j)^2
>>> tiny = 1.e-12
>>> Best,
>>> Martin HE.
>>> mh475 at cam.ac.uk <mailto:mh475 at cam.ac.uk>
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