[FLASH-USERS] Error in AMR Prolong Routine

Tomasz Plewa tplewa at fsu.edu
Fri May 1 16:43:05 EDT 2009

James Guillochon wrote:
> [snip]
> So in my calculation the only physics is the Hydro routine, and  
> checking the hy_updateSoln routine, the sanitizing calls are in the  
> same loops as the hydro updates which only run over the interior  
> cells. So since Grid_updateRefinement doesn't sanitize the guard  
> cells...and neither does Hydro...nothing prevents the prolong routine  
> from using zero-value cells in its calculations. I think the guard  
> cells *should* be sanitized prior to running prolong to avoid ending  
> up with grid cells where rho < smlrho, the question is where?

Ghost cells are filled either from neighbors (direct copy from block 
interiors), parents (interpolation from block interiors), or boundary 
conditions (either user-defined or manipulated based on block interior 

Any non-physical density occurrence can be tracked to a failure of 
either solver or initial conditions, interpolation module, or possibly 
boundary conditions. Blindly sanitizing data means masking  a bug in the 
code. I would encourage tracking the origin of those unphysical values.

By the way, are you using multispecies?


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