[FLASH-USERS] VisIt with many AMR levels

Tomasz Plewa tplewa at fsu.edu
Thu May 7 12:36:16 EDT 2009

I do not think this is VisIt problem per se, but rather what data it is 
fed with.

Brian O'Shea wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> I can't speak to the FLASH issues directly, but we ran into this with 
> Enzo simulations and VisIt a couple of years ago.  The primary problem 
> was that VisIt only kept track of position values using 32-bit 
> precision, and that when using many levels of AMR the code can no 
> longer adequately track the position of grids.  I'm not sure if this 
> is still true about VisIt, but it certainly sounds like it is.  
> Perhaps this particular issue would be resolved more quickly if you 
> sent it to the VisIt mailing list?
> Regards,
> Brian
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am using VisIt to visualize FLASH 2.5 data with 31 levels of 
>> refinement in 2D.  It seems this many levels is breaking VisIt (I am 
>> using VisIt 1.11.1).  The plots are reminiscent of the 'over-lapping' 
>> block levels problem of the past; whole sections are single-valued, 
>> the high-level detail is absent, etc.  This plot pattern will change 
>> if I re-open the data file or change which levels VisIt is plotting.  
>> I have reduced the number of AMR levels in some runs and find that 
>> VisIt can handle up to around 20, but 31 seems too much...
>> Has anyone used VisIt with a large number of AMR levels?  Any ideas 
>> as to what's going on, and more importantly, how to fix it?
>> Cheers,
>> Sean
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> Sean M. Couch
>> PhD Candidate
>> Department of Astronomy
>> The University of Texas at Austin
>> 1 University Station C1400
>> RLM 17.312
>> (512) 471-7418
>> smc at astro.as.utexas.edu
>> www.as.utexas.edu/~smc
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