[FLASH-USERS] Novice FLASH3 questions

Andrew Szymkowiak andrew.szymkowiak at yale.edu
Wed May 27 08:32:50 EDT 2009

I have started off trying to use the unsplit solver Dongwook helped 
When I do the make, it is failing with:

Grid_conserveField.F90:210: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
 In file Grid_conserveField.F90:73

Error: Symbol 'ez_scratch_grid_var' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
make: *** [Grid_conserveField.o] Error 1

The line that fails is referencing EZ_SCRATCH_GRID_VAR, which appears to
be a symbol that the setup is probably suppose to have #define'd in Flash.h.

I imagine that I might be missing some other unit shortcut that I needed 
when I invoked
setup - my line was

./setup maes5 -auto +usm -objdir=omaes5

(it does successfully finish the make if I replace "+usm" with "+8wave")

    Andy S.

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