[FLASH-USERS] problems with refinement?

Andrew Szymkowiak andrew.szymkowiak at yale.edu
Wed Sep 30 12:48:20 EDT 2009

This will only be a brief version of my situation - I'm looking for 
debugging suggestions, etc. I've written a 
Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized, which puts an outflow into some regions 
of the boundary. But when I do a run with max_lrefine > 2, after some 
iterations, I am getting "ghost" copies of parts of my flow in other 
regions of the bottom plane.  I've spent a lot of time trying to see if 
it's my (mis-)handling of the RegionData, and the endpoints, etc - but 
have never found anything I yet recognize as wrong in the debugging data 
I've been dumping. Also, the "ghosts" have a lower amplitude than the 
region where I'm actually inserting the flow, so it seems unlikely that 
my routine is setting the guardcells under the ghosts. I was wondering, 
partially based on the earlier discussion about the markRefineDerefine 
problems the Jeans simulation, about whether I could be having problems 
with parent blocks vs leaf blocks, etc.  I did just try a run with 
"advance_all_levels" set to true, but it made no difference.  This is 
with FLASH 3.2, and a setup including "-3d -auto +8wave".  In addition 
to the ApplyToRegion routine, the only other source in my directory is a 
Simulation_data.F90, a Simulation_init.F90, and a 
Simulation_initBlock.F90, so all the rest should be "vamilla" FLASH.
   Andy S.

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