[FLASH-USERS] DRIVER_ABORT: io_writeData: localNumBlocks == 0

Kunal Rao kunalgrao at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 12:14:01 EDT 2010


sorry the previous mail got sent by mistake..

so.. I am getting this error when executing several out of the box
simulations and unit Tests with 2 processes:


DRIVER_ABORT: io_writeData: localNumBlocks == 0

job aborted:

[ranks] message

[0] terminated

[1] application aborted

aborting MPI_COMM_WORLD, error 1, comm rank 1


Kindly let me know what if you have any suggestions..

Thanks & Regards,


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Kunal Rao <kunalgrao at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
>   I am executing the out of the box simulations and unitTests from the
> Simulation folder in FLASH 3.2 and
>   I am getting this following error for several unitTests and simulations
> when I execute it with 2 processes.
>   -------------------------------------
>    DRIVER_ABORT: io_writeData: localNumBlocks == 0
> job aborted:
> [ranks] message
> [0] terminated
> [1] application aborted
> aborting MPI_COMM_WORLD, error 1, comm rank 1
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