[FLASH-USERS] Can't find ignored parameter

John ZuHone jzuhone at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 21 17:07:08 EST 2010


You are using the multigamma EOS, which as far as I know does not have a "gamma" parameter, but relies on the gammas initialized on the grid (which may vary from place to place).

However, it appears that some unit is looking for the gamma parameter anyway... perhaps the Simulation unit itself or some file you have included?

You can do a search through the source files that are in your object directory to see which call to RuntimeParameters_get is trying to find gamma.


John ZuHone

Sent from John ZuHone's iPhone

On Dec 21, 2010, at 4:17 PM, "Aaron  Froese" <aaron.froese at generalfusion.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to modify the Field Loop example problem to have two fluid species, one in each half of the domain.  (Currently they have identical properties because I intend to assign a different resistivity to each.)  However, I am getting a puzzling error in which the EOS gamma value is first ignored and then the simulation aborts because it can't find it.
> RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "gamma"...
> DRIVER_ABORT: ERROR: cannot locate real runtime parameter.
> WARNING: requested real parameter 'gamma' not found
> I am including the log and Simulation files.  Any assistance would be much appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Aaron Froese
> ############################################################
> ############################################################
> # log file
> ############################################################
> ############################################################
> FLASH log file:  12-21-2010  12:32:06.283    Run number:  1
> ==============================================================================
> Number of processors:                 8
> Dimensionality:                       2
> Max Number of Blocks/Proc:         1000
> Number x zones:                       8
> Number y zones:                       8
> Number z zones:                       1
> Setup stamp:     Tue Dec 21 12:29:56 2010
> Build stamp:     Tue Dec 21 12:31:48 2010
> System info:     Linux deepthought 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.centos.plus #1 SMP Wed Jan 20 18:49:35 EST
> Version:         FLASH 3.3_release
> Build directory: /home/aaron/programs/flash3.3/TwoChamberFieldLoop
> Setup syntax:    /home/aaron/programs/flash3.3/bin/setup.py magnetoHD/TwoChamberFieldLoop -auto -2d +usm -objdir TwoChamberFieldLoop
> f compiler flags: /shared/openmpi44/bin/mpif90 -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -ffree-line-length-none -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
> c compiler flags:    /shared/openmpi44/bin/mpicc -I /home/aaron/libraries/hdf5-openmpi44/include -DH5_USE_16_API -O2 -c -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
> ==============================================================================
> Comment:  Two Chamber Field Loop MHD problem
> ==============================================================================
> FLASH Units used:
>   Driver/DriverMain/Unsplit
>   Grid/GridBoundaryConditions
>   Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/Paramesh4/prolong
>   Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/prolong
>   Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4.0/PM4_package/headers
>   Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4.0/PM4_package/mpi_source
>   Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4.0/PM4_package/source
>   Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4.0/PM4_package/utilities/multigrid
>   Grid/localAPI
>   IO/IOMain/hdf5/serial/PM
>   IO/localAPI
>   Multispecies/MultispeciesMain
>   Particles
>   PhysicalConstants/PhysicalConstantsMain
>   RuntimeParameters/RuntimeParametersMain
>   Simulation/SimulationMain/magnetoHD/TwoChamberFieldLoop
>   flashUtilities/contiguousConversion
>   flashUtilities/general
>   flashUtilities/interpolation/oneDim
>   flashUtilities/nameValueLL
>   monitors/Logfile/LogfileMain
>   monitors/Profiler
>   monitors/Timers/TimersMain/MPINative
>   physics/Cosmology
>   physics/Diffuse
>   physics/Eos/EosMain/Multigamma
>   physics/Gravity
>   physics/Hydro/HydroMain/unsplit/MHD_StaggeredMesh
>   physics/materialProperties/Conductivity/ConductivityMain/Constant-diff
>   physics/materialProperties/MagneticResistivity/MagneticResistivityMain/Constant
>   physics/materialProperties/MassDiffusivity
>   physics/materialProperties/Viscosity/ViscosityMain/Constant
>   physics/sourceTerms/Burn
>   physics/sourceTerms/Cool
>   physics/sourceTerms/Heat
>   physics/sourceTerms/Ionize
>   physics/sourceTerms/Stir
> ==============================================================================
> RuntimeParameters:
> ==============================================================================
> bndpriorityone              =          1
> bndprioritythree            =          3
> bndprioritytwo              =          2
> checkpointfileintervalstep  =          0
> checkpointfilenumber        =          0
> dr_abortpause               =          2
> fileformatversion           =          9
> forcedplotfilenumber        =          0
> gr_restrictallmethod        =          3
> interpol_order              =          2
> irenorm                     =          0
> lrefine_del                 =          0
> lrefine_max                 =          6 [CHANGED]
> lrefine_max_prev            =          1
> lrefine_min                 =          1
> max_particles_per_blk       =        100
> memory_stat_freq            =     100000
> min_particles_per_blk       =          1
> nbegin                      =          1
> nblockx                     =          1
> nblocky                     =          1
> nblockz                     =          1
> nend                        =    1000000 [CHANGED]
> nrefs                       =          2
> order                       =          2
> outputsplitnum              =          1
> plotfileintervalstep        =          0
> plotfilenumber              =          0
> refine_var_count            =          4
> rolling_checkpoint          =      10000
> sweeporder                  =        123
> transorder                  =          3
> visc_whichcoefficientisconst =          2
> wr_integrals_freq           =          1
> az_initial                  =                 0.100E-02
> limitedslopebeta            =                 0.100E+01
> r_fieldloop                 =                 0.300E+00
> cfl                         =                 0.800E+00
> checkpointfileintervaltime  =                 0.100E+00 [CHANGED]
> checkpointfileintervalz     =                 0.180+309
> derefine_cutoff_1           =                 0.200E+00
> derefine_cutoff_2           =                 0.200E+00
> derefine_cutoff_3           =                 0.200E+00
> derefine_cutoff_4           =                 0.200E+00
> diff_constant               =                 0.100E-01 [CHANGED]
> diff_visc_mu                =                 0.100E+00
> diff_visc_nu                =                 0.400E-03 [CHANGED]
> dtinit                      =                 0.100E-09
> dtmax                       =                 0.100E+06
> dtmin                       =                 0.100E-09
> eintswitch                  =                 0.100E-05 [CHANGED]
> gr_lrefinemaxredlogbase     =                 0.100E+02
> gr_lrefinemaxredradiusfact  =                 0.000E+00
> gr_lrefinemaxredtref        =                 0.000E+00
> gr_lrefinemaxredtimescale   =                 0.100E+01
> plotfileintervaltime        =                 0.100E+01
> plotfileintervalz           =                 0.180+309
> refine_cutoff_1             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_cutoff_2             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_cutoff_3             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_cutoff_4             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_filter_1             =                 0.100E-01
> refine_filter_2             =                 0.100E-01
> refine_filter_3             =                 0.100E-01
> refine_filter_4             =                 0.100E-01
> resistivity                 =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
> sim_divide                  =                 0.500E+00
> sim_pleft                   =                 0.100E+01
> sim_pright                  =                 0.100E+01
> sim_rholeft                 =                 0.100E+01
> sim_rhoright                =                 0.000E+00
> sim_uleft                   =                 0.100E+01
> sim_uright                  =                 0.100E+01
> small                       =                 0.100E-09
> smalle                      =                 0.100E-09
> smallp                      =                 0.100E-09
> smallt                      =                 0.100E-09
> smallu                      =                 0.100E-09
> smallx                      =                 0.100E-09
> smlrho                      =                 0.100E-09
> tinitial                    =                 0.000E+00
> tiny                        =                 0.100E-15
> tmax                        =                 0.200E+01 [CHANGED]
> tstep_change_factor         =                 0.200E+01
> viscsuppressfactor          =                 0.100E+01
> visctemphigh                =                 0.150E+09
> visctemplow                 =                 0.300E+06
> wall_clock_checkpoint       =                 0.432E+05
> wall_clock_time_limit       =                 0.605E+06
> xctr                        =                 0.500E+00
> x_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
> xmax                        =                 0.100E+01
> xmin                        =                 0.000E+00
> yctr                        =                 0.500E+00
> y_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
> ymax                        =                 0.200E+01 [CHANGED]
> ymin                        =                 0.000E+00
> zctr                        =                 0.000E+00
> zfinal                      =                 0.000E+00
> zinitial                    =                -0.100E+01
> z_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
> zmax                        =                 0.100E+01
> zmin                        =                 0.000E+00
> riemannsolver               = Roe
> unitsystem                  = none
> basenm                      = twoChamberFieldLoop_           [CHANGED]
> entropyfixmethod            = HARTENHYMAN
> eosmode                     = dens_ie
> eosmodeinit                 = dens_ie
> geometry                    = cartesian
> grav_boundary_type          = isolated
> log_file                    = twoChamberFieldLoop.log        [CHANGED]
> output_directory            =
> pc_unitsbase                = CGS
> plot_grid_var_1             = none
> plot_grid_var_10            = none
> plot_grid_var_11            = none
> plot_grid_var_12            = none
> plot_grid_var_2             = none
> plot_grid_var_3             = none
> plot_grid_var_4             = none
> plot_grid_var_5             = none
> plot_grid_var_6             = none
> plot_grid_var_7             = none
> plot_grid_var_8             = none
> plot_grid_var_9             = none
> plot_var_1                  = DEUT dens                      [CHANGED]
> plot_var_10                 = magp                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_11                 = none
> plot_var_12                 = none
> plot_var_13                 = none
> plot_var_14                 = none
> plot_var_15                 = none
> plot_var_16                 = none
> plot_var_17                 = none
> plot_var_18                 = none
> plot_var_19                 = none
> plot_var_2                  = DEUT pres                      [CHANGED]
> plot_var_3                  = DEUT temp                      [CHANGED]
> plot_var_4                  = TRIT dens                      [CHANGED]
> plot_var_5                  = TRIT pres                      [CHANGED]
> plot_var_6                  = TRIT temp                      [CHANGED]
> plot_var_7                  = divb                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_8                  = magx                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_9                  = magy                           [CHANGED]
> prof_file                   = profile.dat
> prolmethod                  = injection_prol                 [CHANGED]
> refine_var_1                = magx                           [CHANGED]
> refine_var_2                = magy                           [CHANGED]
> refine_var_3                = none
> refine_var_4                = none
> run_comment                 = Two Chamber Field Loop MHD pro [CHANGED]
> run_number                  = 1
> slopelimiter                = mc                             [CHANGED]
> stats_file                  = flash.dat
> xl_boundary_type            = periodic
> xr_boundary_type            = periodic
> yl_boundary_type            = periodic
> yr_boundary_type            = periodic
> zl_boundary_type            = periodic
> zr_boundary_type            = periodic
> eosforriemann               =  F
> e_modification              =  T
> forcehydrolimit             =  F
> alwayscomputeuservars       =  T
> alwaysrestrictcheckpoint    =  T
> bytepack                    =  F
> charlimiting                =  T
> chkguardcellsinput          =  F
> chkguardcellsoutput         =  F
> converttoconsvdformeshcalls =  F
> converttoconsvdinmeshinterp =  T
> corners                     =  F
> dr_shortenlaststepbeforetma =  F
> eachprocwritesownabortlog   =  F
> eachprocwritessummary       =  T
> earlyblockdistadjustment    =  T
> enablemaskedgcfill          =  F
> energyfix                   =  T [CHANGED]
> entropy                     =  F
> facevar2ndorder             =  T
> flux_correct                =  T
> fullylimit                  =  F
> geometryoverride            =  F
> gr_lrefinemaxreddobylogr    =  F
> gr_lrefinemaxreddobytime    =  F
> ignoreforcedplot            =  F
> killdivb                    =  T
> plotfilegridquantitydp      =  F
> plotfilemetadatadp          =  F
> refine_on_particle_count    =  F
> restart                     =  F
> shockdetect                 =  F
> shockinstabilityfix         =  F
> unbiased_geometry           =  F
> useburn                     =  F
> usecollectivehdf5           =  F
> useconductivity             =  F [CHANGED]
> usecool                     =  F
> usediffuse                  =  F
> usegravity                  =  F
> useheat                     =  F
> usehydro                    =  T
> uselegacylabels             =  T
> usemagneticresistivity      =  F [CHANGED]
> usemassdiffusivity          =  F
> useparticles                =  F
> usestir                     =  T
> useviscosity                =  F [CHANGED]
> use_cma_advection           =  F
> use_cma_flattening          =  F
> use_cma_steepening          =  F
> use_flattening              =  F
> use_gravconsv               =  F
> use_gravhalfupdate          =  F
> use_steepening              =  F
> writestatsummary            =  T
> ==============================================================================
> WARNING: Ignored Parameters :
> These parameters were found in the flash.par file, but they were
> not declared in any Config file for the simulation!
> gamma
> ==============================================================================
> Known units of measurement:
>              Unit                          CGS Value                Base Unit
>  1                  cm                     1.0000                           cm
>  2                   s                     1.0000                            s
>  3                   K                     1.0000                            K
>  4                   g                     1.0000                            g
>  5                 esu                     1.0000                          esu
>  6                   m                     100.00                           cm
>  7                  km                    0.10000E+06                       cm
>  8                  pc                    0.30857E+19                       cm
>  9                 kpc                    0.30857E+22                       cm
> 10                 Mpc                    0.30857E+25                       cm
> 11                 Gpc                    0.30857E+28                       cm
> 12                Rsun                    0.69600E+11                       cm
> 13                  AU                    0.14960E+14                       cm
> 14                  yr                    0.31557E+08                        s
> 15                 Myr                    0.31557E+14                        s
> 16                 Gyr                    0.31557E+17                        s
> 17                  kg                     1000.0                            g
> 18                Msun                    0.19889E+34                        g
> 19                 amu                    0.16605E-23                        g
> 20                   C                    0.29979E+10                      esu
> 21                LFLY                    0.30857E+25                       cm
> 22                TFLY                    0.20576E+18  

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