[FLASH-USERS] setup error

etodd at physics.arizona.edu etodd at physics.arizona.edu
Wed Jul 7 13:52:43 EDT 2010

Yep, that did the trick!  Thanks so much!
Elizabeth :)

Quoting Christoper Daley <cdaley at flash.uchicago.edu>:

> Hi Elizabeth,
> I think I may have introduced a build issue in the setup script for
> applications that use ma28 library.
> Can you please delete lib/ma28/Makefile.h and lib/ma28/build.csh, and
> then re-run the setup line.  Can you let me know if this works?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> On 06/07/10 18:50, etodd at physics.arizona.edu wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> I'm trying to run one of the included sample simulations, NeiTest,  
>> in FLASH3.2.  When I run "./setup NeiTest -auto", the most of the  
>> build goes fine but at the end I get the following error message:
>> **********
>> Computing default values for options not specified on command line
>> generating Makefile
>> A setup internal error has occured, if possible please email the following
>> debugging info to flash-bugs at flash.uchicago.edu
>> Arguments: ['/home/etodd/FLASH3.2-prerelease/bin/setup.py',  
>> 'NeiTest', '-auto']
>> Python Version: 2.4.3
>> Platform Details: linux2
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "/home/etodd/FLASH3.2-prerelease/bin/setup.py", line 238, in ?
>>    main()
>>  File "/home/etodd/FLASH3.2-prerelease/bin/setup.py", line 173, in main
>>    generateMakefile(configInfo, machDir)
>>  File "/home/etodd/FLASH3.2-prerelease/bin/genFiles.py", line 398,  
>> in generateMakefile
>>    configInfo['libConfigInfo'])
>>  File "/home/etodd/FLASH3.2-prerelease/bin/genFiles.py", line 506,  
>> in setRedirectFlags
>>    args=args, makefilename=makefilename)
>>  File "/home/etodd/FLASH3.2-prerelease/bin/libUtils.py", line 140,  
>> in getLibFlags
>>    self.makeBinary(libDir,base,makefilename)
>>  File "/home/etodd/FLASH3.2-prerelease/bin/libUtils.py", line 223,  
>> in makeBinary
>>    os.symlink(makefilename,"Makefile.h")
>> OSError: [Errno 17] File exists
>> **********
>> I've run this simulation before without problem and I can setup  
>> other sample simulations without any trouble so I'm not sure why  
>> now the NeiTest is being finicky.  I know it says to notify the  
>> flash-bugs mailing list but there doesn't seem to be much action on  
>> that board.
>> Any suggestions/help is appreciated!  Thanks,
>> Elizabeth :)
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