[FLASH-USERS] Problems compiling ma28 library in FLASH

Chris Daley cdaley at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Jul 12 12:31:05 EDT 2010

Hi Esteban,

 >  I couldn't compile the ma28 library in the latests FLASH version 
(3.2). I was trying to build the Cellular problem and when it tries to 
build ma28 library I get the error message below. The cluster this is 
being run on is Surveyor. I am using the Fortran compiler at:
 > /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/bin/mpixlf90_r
 > /soft/apps/mpe/install_ibm/bin/mpefc -qsuffix=f=F90:cpp=F90 
-qfree=f90 -mpilog -qzerosize -g -O2 -qintsize=4 -qrealsize=8 -qfixed 
-qnosave -c \ -c Ma28.F90
 > "Ma28.F90", line 100.66: 1515-019 (S) Syntax is incorrect.

This is a horrible fix, but try removing the line continuation
characters from your FFLAGS_* in Makefile.h.  Delete
lib/ma28/Makefile.h and lib/ma28/build.csh, and then re-run the setup

This seems to be another problem related to my "fix" that ensures ma28
is built with the same compilation flags as the rest of FLASH
(including promotion of reals to double precision). I need to rethink
the build process.

Let me know if it is still giving you problems,

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