[FLASH-USERS] Fwd: Error in try compile FLASH3.3. Lib -lcr not found. What is the name of this library, and what package she it belong ?

Varlei Everton Menconi varlei at dge.inpe.br
Thu Feb 24 16:36:02 EST 2011

                        Brazil, São José dos Campos, February, 23, 2011.

Dears friends,

I need help this forum.

I'm not able to compile the Flash3.

The scripts mpicc.mpich2, mpicxx.mpich2 and mpif90.mpich2 include the line below
where they called the library -lcr.

# LIBS="-lopa -lmpl  -lrt -lcr -lpthread   "

The ld command return with error -lcr not found.

What is the name of this library, and what package she it belong ?
How to compile the package ?

I need help.

Thanks All Regards

Varlei Everton Menconi
varlei at dge.inpe.br

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