[FLASH-USERS] Best practice for referencing Abar, Zbar

Dean Townsley Dean.M.Townsley at ua.edu
Thu May 5 22:59:44 EDT 2011

Hi Klaus,

On 05/05/2011 07:19 PM, Klaus Weide wrote:
> I think the unsplit Hydro module IS compliant with Eos implementations
> that use Multispecies; it's just that such implementations do not require
> the caller of Eos() to set eosData(EOS_ABAR) and eosData(EOS_ZBAR), but
> do it themselves in Eos.F90.

Cool.  Sorry to overstate that, but like I said I didn't actually look 
at the code. (that'll teach me.)  Whether it is compliant depends on the 
Eos calls that come after the quoted code, but I didn't look, sorry.

If you say it's compliant, I believe YOU :)

The Eos_getAbarZbar() function you point to is a much cleaner solution.  
I actually use something more like this in more recent code and did away 
with storing sumy and ye in addition to the reaction progress variable 
mass scalars from which they are derived.

One documentation nitpick: zbar is not the average ionization level, at 
least in the fully ionized electron ion plasma (=Helmholtz) EOS.  It 
might be in other applications I guess, so I'm not sure what the right 
wording would be.  I'd have to check how it is referred to elsewhere.


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