[FLASH-USERS] MPI_RECV buffer-error: BUG fixed in .../hdf5/serial/PM/io_writeData.F90
Klaus Weide
klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 28 15:07:20 EST 2011
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011, Marco Mazzuoli wrote:
> Probably you already know it, but I found a bug at line 794 of the file .../FLASH4-alpha_release/source/IO/IOMain/hdf5/serial/PM/io_writeData.F90:
> < NXB*(NYB+1)*NZB*localNumBlockst, &
> > NXB*NYB*(NZB+1)*localNumBlockst, &
> otherwise the variable buffer doesn't match.
Thank you for reporting this error. I found that it still exists in our
most recent code; we will fix it as you suggested.
I did not find this problem in "parallel" implementations of
It seems that this code error would only cause a problem when all of the
following conditions were satisfied:
1) NDIM == 3
2) face variables in use
(i.e., probably using MHD_StaggeredMesh Hydro implementation)
3) NYB different from NZB
4) using serial HDF5 IO with a PARAMESH grid
This may explain why it has escaped detection up to now.
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