[FLASH-USERS] Problem with HDF5 output on Ranger

Sean Lynch sean.m.lynch at drexel.edu
Fri Dec 7 11:53:59 EST 2012

I've been having some problems with a Flash4 simulation creating HDF5 
output files on TACC Ranger.

I wasn't sure what was happening so I tried the default Sedov problem 
and got the same error:

  WARNING: you have called IO_writePlotfile but no plot_vars are defined.
  Put the vars you want in the plotfile in your flash.par (plot_var_1 = 
  *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000 ****
  Initial plotfile written

I haven't changed the default flash.par so the plot variable are defined as:

  plot_var_1 = "dens"
  plot_var_2 = "pres"
  plot_var_3 = "temp"

The plot file is written to disk but contains no data for density, 
pressure, or temperature.

I am using the default makefile for ranger.tacc.utexas.edu and have 
loaded the hdf5/1.6.5 module.

Has anyone experienced this behavior?

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