[FLASH-USERS] Newbie Question: Adding Variables

Ji Suoqing jisuoqing at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 17:57:08 EST 2012

Hi Trae,

My suggestion is simple: in your config file, you could change:

>   PARAMETER sim_crho  REAL  2


PARAMETER sim_crho REAL 2.

notice there's a dot at the end. Then you could try to resetup and compile as John suggested.

Best wishes,

On Dec 20, 2012, at 5:41 PM, "Henry (Trae) Winter" <hwinter at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

> I am teaching myself to use Flash and need some very basic help.  
> I want to add clumps of material to the Sod simulation and watch them evolve as the shock hits them.  Simple.  I define an x and y position, a radius, a density, and a pressure for a clump.
> In the flash.par file for the Sod problem I add the following:
>   #  Clump parameters. rho and pressure are added to background values.
>   sim_cposx=  2.5
>   sim_cposy=  2.5
>   sim_crad=    0.5
>   sim_crho=    2
>   sim_cp=        0.0 
> In my Config file I add the following:
>   PARAMETER sim_cposx REAL  2.5
>   PARAMETER sim_cposy  REAL 2.5
>   PARAMETER sim_crad  REAL  0.5
>   PARAMETER sim_crho  REAL  2
>   PARAMETER sim_cp     REAL   0.0
> In my Simulation_data.F90 file I add:
>   real, save :: sim_cposx, sim_cposy, sim_crad, sim_crho, sim_cp
> In the Simulation_init.F90 file I add:
>  call RuntimeParameters_get('sim_cposx', sim_cposx)
>  call RuntimeParameters_get('sim_cposy', sim_cposy)
>  call RuntimeParameters_get('sim_crad', sim_crad)
>  call RuntimeParameters_get('sim_crho', sim_crho)
>  call RuntimeParameters_get('sim_cp', sim_cp)
> In the Simulation_initBlock.F90 I add the last line:
>  use Simulation_data, ONLY: sim_posn, sim_xCos, sim_yCos, sim_zCos, &    
>     &  sim_rhoLeft,  sim_pLeft, sim_uLeft, sim_rhoRight, sim_pRight, sim_uRight, &
>     &  sim_smallX, sim_gamma, sim_smallP, &
>     &  sim_cposx, sim_cposy, sim_crad, sim_crho, sim_cp
> The code compiles.  When I try to run it I get the following error:
>   WARNING: requested real parameter 'sim_crho' not found  
> What am I forgetting?
> Thanks,
> -Trae
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Henry (Trae) Winter III 		
> Astrophysicist				Tel:    617-495-7400
> Center for Astrophysics		Fax:   617-496-7577
> 60 Garden Street, MS 58		Cell:  617-755-7967
> Cambridge, MA 02138		hwinter at cfa.harvard.edu
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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