[FLASH-USERS] flash (sedov) runs with 4 processors, but no more ..
dlopezc at ncsu.edu
Tue Jan 24 15:49:49 EST 2012
HI everybody, I am rather new to FLASH and have some bit of a problem when
trying to run a simple test problem in many procesors.
I hope somebody has come with this kind of problem and been able to solve
Running the Sedov test problem, I am able to run it with 4 procesors at
most (with either 4 processors on
one blade, 2 processors on each of 2 blades, or 4 processors, 1 each on
each of 4 blades). This runs beautifully for any refinement criteria,
refinement levels, courant criteria, riemann solver, and the interpolation
Then when I try to solve exactly the same test problem with more than 4
procesors, for any blade-processor combination, the result is that I get an
MPI abort
For a failing job asking for 16 processors, the last lines of sedov.log are
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:52.608 ] message: rss (MB): 29.66
(min) 29.96 (max) 29.78 (avg)
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.165 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.285 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint
WARNING you have called IO_writePlotfile but no plot_vars are defined.
put the vars you want in the plotfile in your flash.par (plot_var_1 =
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.309 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.418 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.508 ] message: vsize (MB): 97.23
(min) 98.40 (max) 97.40 (avg)
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.508 ] message: rss (MB): 29.74
(min) 32.81 (max) 30.03 (avg)
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.508 ] [Driver_evolveFlash]: Entering evolution loop
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.509 ] step: n=1 t=0.000000E+00 dt=1.000000E-10
[ 01-24-2012 14:42:56.739 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=7087,
It seems weird that the buffer_dim_send is much larger than the
buffer_dim_recv ?
(but can find some other examples that continue to run with the send buffer
only slightly larger than
the receive buffer).
I also played with flash.par .. the lines
iGridSize = 16 #global number of gridpoints along x, excluding gcells
jGridSize = 16 #global number of gridpoints along y, excluding gcells
kGridSize = 1
iProcs = 4 #num procs in i direction
jProcs = 4 #num procs in j direction
kProcs = 1
Originially the iGridSize, jGridsize, kGridSize were commented. and the
iProcs, jProcs were set to 1 (for these sedov runs ok with iProcs and
jProcs set to 2 -- running on 4 processors, but not with 16 ).
In the compilation
FDEFINES has -DNX=8 and -DNY=8 .. do not know how that is set ..
>From the sedov.log file the compile lines were ( pgi10.5 and mpich2 with
mpif90 -I/include -c -r8 -i4 -fastsse -Mnovect -pc 64 -DMAXBLOCKS=1000
c compiler flags:
mpicc -I/usr/local/apps/hdf/64hydra-pgi105/5-1.8.5-patch1-i8/include
-DH5_USE_16_API -I/include -c -O2 -DM
Any help, comments, or useful information is very welcome.
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