[FLASH-USERS] flash2.5 in kraken

John ZuHone jzuhone at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Jul 10 16:04:48 EDT 2012

Hi Diego,

I am also noticing that it did not find the site directory. The easiest thing to do is to add this to the setup script line:

./setup Sedov -auto -site=krakenpf9.nics.utk.edu


John Z

On Jul 10, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Diego wrote:

> Hi John, I'ts Diego once more... I am sorry to bother you, but I am new to kraken. 
> I am trying to get flash (version 2.5) running in kraken, but the sedov shock test tube problem is not even able to compile.
> I already have flash2.5 in my home directory and now I want to make sure thet the sedov test tube is working fine. For this I put the Makefile.h in the correspondent sites directory (diego/flash2.5/source/sites/krakenpf9.nics.utk.edu).
> I checked your Makefile.h and its basically the same as what I had before... supposedly leaving the paths blank the wrapper would manage to find the HD5 and mpi. 
> FCOMP   = ftn
> CCOMP   = cc
> LINK    = ftn
> The problem is that when I compile the sedov test tube problem (./setup sedov -auto) I have an error.
> It says:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> diego at krakenpf1:~/flash2.5> ./setup sedov -autochecking for needed files and directories
>     checking sites Aliases file
>         couldn't open sites Aliases file
>     site directory for site krakenpf1.nics.utk.edu not found;
>     using prototype Linux
> generating default Modules file
>     renaming original to Modules.bak
> removing old links in build directory object
> scanning /nics/b/home/diego/flash2.5/Modules file for included modules
>     database/amr/paramesh2.0
>     driver/time_dep
>     gravity/null
>     hydro/explicit/split/ppm
>     io/amr/hdf5_serial
>     materials/eos/gamma
>     mesh/amr/paramesh2.0/second_order_old
>     util/tools
>     util/wrapping
> checking for default sub-modules in included modules
> checking that no mutually exclusive sub-modules are included together
> looking for paths of non-included modules
> .DS_Store is not a valid directory
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Can you help me with this problem?
> Or before doing the ./setup sedov -auto do I have to load any module (or modules)?
> Thanks.
> Diego

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