Amol Holkundkar amol.h at gmx.com
Thu Jun 28 15:48:08 EDT 2012

Hi John,

My knowledge of FLASH is just 2 days old, so in view of this I was considering the usage of GDL of which I had a prior experience though not extensive but basic.

Keeping in mind the suggestions from other users too, I think its now time to learn python and yt.

Just a query, is yt can replace the need of gnuplot, if so then it would be great incentive to learn.

Amol Holkundkar

John ZuHone <jzuhone at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov> wrote:


I am not sure why it does not work with GDL, but I encourage you to check out the yt project, which is an analysis toolset for AMR data such as FLASH. It is Python-based and much more powerful and straightforward to use than the fidlr tools. 


I know it may require learning some Python, but in the long run it is very much worth it. There's lots of documentation on how to do some basic things and it handles FLASH data very well. 


John ZuHone

On Jun 28, 2012, at 4:39 AM, Amol Holkundkar wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am just wondering if we can use FLASH with open source alternative of
> IDL called GDL 
> (GNU Data Language http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/ )
> I tried to compile the code using GDL, it complied but while running its
> giving following error,
> /*********************************************************************/
> $ XFLASH3_DIR="/home/amol/Documents/FLASH/FLASH4-beta/tools/fidlr3.0"
> $ export XFLASH3_DIR
> $ gdl
> GDL> .run xflash3.pro
> % Compiled module: XFLASH_EVENT.
> % Compiled module: XFLASH3.
> GDL> xflash3 
> initializing xflash3
> ... IDL version = 6.0
> ... PNG graphics will be used
> % Compiled module: GET_XFLASH_PATH.
> ... current path
> is /home/amol/Documents/FLASH/FLASH4-beta/tools/fidlr3.0
> ... XFLASH_DIR is /home/amol/Documents/FLASH/FLASH4-beta/tools/fidlr3.0/
> % Compiled module: XFLASH_DEFAULTS.
> % Compiled module: VAR_INDEX.
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> /*********************************************************************/
> I think the error is coming because of the stuff in "var_index.pro"
> Any suggestions to resolve this issue. 
> It would be nice if we can compile the FLASH using GDL which is
> completely free and open source.
> Thanks,
> Regards
> Amol Holkundkar

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