[FLASH-USERS] Laser Ray visualization in VisIt

Milad Fatenejad milad at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Mar 9 18:27:09 EST 2012

Hi Wen:

Sorry for the delayed response to your messages, I have been out of town
for a few days. Section of the users guide explains how to use the
ray visualization. From your previous email, I assume that you are trying
to visualize the output from the LaserSlab simulation.

The example.par input file has laser ray visualization on by default. So,
if it hasn't been changed then the ray path information should be in the
plot files written by flash.

To visualize the output in visit, you must run the extract_rays.py script
on the the plot files as described in Have you done this? If so,
then the script should have generated a bunch of .vtk files. You must open
these files in visit to plot the ray data.

Please let me know if you have generated the vtk files.

On Mar 9, 2012 5:01 PM, "Wen Fu" <Wen.Fu at rice.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> The user manual said that laser ray power can be visualized by adding
> "RayPower Watts" Pseudocolor plot in VisIt. However, I couldn't find that
> option in my VisIt control panel (VisIt 2.4.1). Has this application
> already been built into the VisIt distribution or it needs an extra plugin?
> Thanks.
> Best,
> Wen
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