[FLASH-USERS] Minor bugs in MacLaurin spheroid test

Chenchong Zhu cczhu at astro.utoronto.ca
Thu Aug 15 12:16:52 EDT 2013

Hi Norbert,

I agree that the internal potential formula, Eqn. 25.39, reduces to the
proper value if A1 and A3 both go to 2/3.  The issue is that in
Simulation_init.F90 AA3 is used to calculate pressure:

  p0     = (2.0/3.0)*sim_pi*sim_Newton*sim_density**2*amean**2
  sim_Pconst = p0 * AA3 * (1.0-sim_eccentricity**2)**(2.0/3.0)

If we set eccentricity to zero, this reduces to the proper sim_Pconst =
2/3*sim_pi*sim_Newton*sim_density**2*amean**2 central pressure for a
spherical object of constant density, but that's only because AA3 is
artificially set to 1 when sim_eccentricity = 0.  At sim_eccentricity << 1,
but > 0, sim_Pconst is incorrect since AA3 goes to 2/3 rather than 1.

The reason I'm running these tests is because I'm running post-merger
evolution for merged binary white dwarf systems, and I'm seeing substantial
differences between FLASH, SPH and moving mesh codes.  The remnant has
enough similarities to either a MacLaurin or Jacobi spheroid that I'm
hoping that I can spot the same differences by running spheroids through
all the codes.  Since I've set gamma = 10, I don't think the initial
pressure distribution matters a whole lot - the star doesn't redistribute
mass very severely, so this bug, if it's a bug, shouldn't be an enormous

I'm a bit concerned about approximating an incompressible fluid though.
 Bob Fisher's already warned me that v/c_s << 1 systems tend to take many
more timesteps and accumulate integration errors as a result.  Are there
other particularly nasty known issues related with setting the EOS gamma to
an unusually large value?

Thanks again for your help,


On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Norbert Flocke
<flocke at flash.uchicago.edu>wrote:

> Hi Charles,
> You are right, I did not consider enough terms. On the other hand, the
> AA3 going to 2/3 with e -> 0 is the correct behavior. Please look at the
> FLASH user's guide in the Gravity Test Problems / MacLaurin (Section
> 25.3.4). There you will see the formula for the potential in terms of
> two constants A1 and A3. When e -> 0 both go to 2/3 and the result is the
> potential of a uniform density sphere.
> The MacLaurin main simulation was written a long time ago and is somewhat
> hard to read. I reimplemented the MacLaurin test problem as a unit test for
> the multipole gravity section (this sits in /SimulationMain/unitTest/**Multipole).
> Please have a look at the routine:
>    sim_initBlockAnalytical.F90
> where all these constants are properly defined and their correct behavior
> is listed. If you still want to use the old MacLaurin code, then you would
> have to go through that code and see what it exactly does. What seems
> strange to me at first sight is that AA3 is set to 1.0 when e -> 0. But
> maybe somewhere down the path this is the correct setting.
> Cheers,
> Norbert
> On Wed, 14 Aug 2013, Chenchong Zhu wrote:
>  Hi Norbert,
>> Thanks for the response!
>> For sqrt(1-e^2)*asin (e), I don't think you kept enough of the expansion:
>> asin(e) -> e + e^3/6
>> sqrt(1 - e^2) -> 1 - e^2/2 - e^4/8 -> 1 - e^2/2
>> AA3 = 2/e^2 - 2*sqrt(1-e^2)*asin (e) / e^3
>>       = 2/e^2 - (2/e^3)*(e - e^3/3 - e^5/12)
>>       = 2/e^2 - 2/e^2 + 2/3
>>       = 2/3
>> Throwing the expression into Python and setting e = tiny number gives the
>> same result.
>> Best,
>> Charles
>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Norbert Flocke
>> <flocke at flash.uchicago.edu>**wrote:
>>  Sorry, there is a typo in the last AA3 equations. It should read:
>>>   AA3 -> 2/e^2 - 2*(1-e^2/2)*e / e^3
>>>       -> 2/e^2 - 2/e^2 + (2*e^2/2*e^2)
>>>       -> 1
>>> Norbert
>>> On Wed, 14 Aug 2013, Norbert Flocke wrote:
>>>  Hi Charles,
>>>> The answer to your first question I can provide. As written in the code
>>>> on line 78, the value of AA3 is
>>>>  AA3 = (2*sqrt(1-e^2)/e^2) * (1/sqrt(1-e^2) - asin (e)/e)
>>>> or, written out
>>>>  AA3 = 2/e^2 - 2*sqrt(1-e^2)*asin (e) / e^3
>>>> where e is the eccentricity. If e -> zero, then the MacLaurin (what
>>>> coincidence!) expansions are:
>>>>  asin (e)     -> e
>>>>  sqrt (1-e^2) -> 1 - e^2/2
>>>> When you insert these limits into the AA3 equation, then:
>>>>  AA3 -> 2/e^2 - 2*(1-e^2/2)*e / e^3
>>>>      -> 2/e^2 - 2/e^2 + 2*e^2/2
>>>>      -> 1
>>>> so there is no error in the formula.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Norbert
>>>> On Wed, 14 Aug 2013, Chenchong Zhu wrote:
>>>>  Hi FLASH users,
>>>>> I'm currently playing with the MacLaurin spheroid example that comes
>>>>> with
>>>>> FLASH to see how well the spheroid can be represented hydrodynamically.
>>>>> I'm not entirely certain, but I think I might have found two bugs in
>>>>> the
>>>>> code though.
>>>>> On line 78 of Simulation_init.F90 AA3 as written approaches 2/3 rather
>>>>> than
>>>>> 1 as sim_eccentricity goes to 0.  It obeys the proper limit if it's
>>>>> changed
>>>>> to "AA3 = (3.0*sqrt...".
>>>>> In Simulation_initBlock.F90, under case(sim_geom3DCartesian), vxfac and
>>>>> vyfac have z-dependencies on their velocities.  They should be
>>>>> multiplied
>>>>> by rxyinv = 1./sqrt(xdist**2 + ydist**2) rather than rinv if we want
>>>>> rigid
>>>>> rotation.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Charles
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