[FLASH-USERS] GuardCell filling

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Tue Feb 19 05:59:53 EST 2013

Dear all,

I have a simple question on Grid_fillGuardCells.

If I run a parallel job, for example on 2 processors, and I call the 
routine "Grid_fillGuardCells(CENTER, ALLDIR, maskSize=NUNK_VARS, 
mask=gcMask, minLayers=2, selectBlockType=LEAF)" in my block loop, what 
would happen if on 1 processor I give a different mask (e.g. DENS_VAR) 
than on the other processor (e.g. PRES_VAR). Or, DENS_VAR+PRES_VAR on 
one and only PRES_VAR on the other. Would it still work?

Also, what would happen if I call the routine on 1 proc but not on the 
other, like "if (meshMe==0) call Grid_fillGuardCells(...)"? Would it 


With kind regards,

S. Hocuk
Postdoctoral Researcher
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
P.O. box 9700
Groningen, the Netherlands

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