[FLASH-USERS] Maclaurin test problem

Norbert Flocke flocke at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 17 16:05:39 EDT 2013

Hello Philip,

The MacLaurin test problem as it is currently in FLASH4 is outdated. It 
has not been updated with the many changes that occured during the last 3 
years. The MacLaurin unit test is the one that has been designed and used 
for checking all new multipole ideas. It's main purpose for creation was 
to get rid of all the other developments in eos, hydro, etc...that 
happened in parallel and which could cause interference with the sole 
testing of the multipole routines. The MacLaurin unit test uses a 
customized driver routine that has been stripped off all the unnecessary 
parts (like eos and hydro for example).

Hope this helps,

On Wed, 17 Jul 2013, Philip Chang wrote:

> Hello FLASH users,
> I'm trying to set up the Maclaurin test problem and it doesn't appear to work.  In particular, it appears that it is failing on calling the equation of state, which is strange because it is just an adiabatic gamma-law EOS.   On the other hand, the unitTest/Multipole seems to work just fine.  Because they are so similar, it is confusing why this is happening, but it appears that the difference is that the evolution step in the unitTest is empty, i.e., no hydro step, while the Maclaurin uses the hydro step.   This suggests to me that the included Maclaurin test problem no longer works, i.e., these Maclaurin test problem does not evolve.  Is this correct?
> Cheers,
> Phil

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