[FLASH-USERS] Announcing the release of yt 2.5!

Anthony Scopatz scopatz at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Mar 1 14:44:41 EST 2013

Congratulations to all!

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:19 AM, John ZuHone <jzuhone at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> We’re proud to announce the release of version 2.5 of the yt Project,
> http://yt-project.org/. The new version includes many new features,
> refinements of existing features and numerous bugfixes.  We encourage all
> users to upgrade to take advantage of the changes.
> yt is a community-developed analysis and visualization toolkit, primarily
> directed at astrophysical hydrodynamics simulations.  It provides full
> support for output from the Enzo, FLASH, Orion, and Nyx codes, with
> preliminary support for several others.  It provides access to simulation
> data using an intuitive python interface, can perform many common
> visualization tasks, and offers a framework for conducting data reductions
> and analysis of simulation data.
> The most visible changes with the 2.5 release include:
> * Testing has been greatly expanded, including unit tests and answer
> testing.
> * The capabilities of the “Stream” frontend have been expanded. Uniform
> grid and AMR-based data can be read into memory, and particle fields can be
> initialized.
> * The install script now provides for the optional installation of SciPy
> and the Rockstar halo finder.
> * Surfaces can now be extracted and examined, as well as uploaded to
> Sketchfab.com for interactive visualization in a web browser.
> * Support for the Athena code has been added.
> * Many, many improvements to PlotWindow.
> * Coordinate transformations have been sped up and streamlined, as well as
> cylindrical and spherical fields.
> * Increased support for the IPython notebook.
> * Improved support for FLASH particle fields.
> * The volume rendering backend has been updated to use an alpha channel,
> fixing parallel opaque volume renderings.
> * The AMRKDTree has been rewritten, allowing parallelism with other than
> power-of-2 MPI processes, arbitrary sets of grids, and splitting of
> unigrids.
> For a complete list of changes in this release, please visit the Changelog
> (http://yt-project.org/docs/2.5/changelog.html).
> Information about the yt project, including installation instructions, can
> be found on the homepage: http://yt-project.org/
> Development of yt has been sponsored by the NSF, the DOE, and various
> universities.  We develop yt in the open and encourage contributions from
> users who extend and improve the code.  We invite you to get involved with
> developing and using yt!
> Please forward this announcement to other interested parties.
> Sincerely,
> The yt development team

Anthony Scopatz
Post-doctoral Scholar
The FLASH Center for Computational Science
Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics
The University of Chicago
cell: (512) U2-PU239
office: (773) 834-2705
fax:(773) 834-3230
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