[FLASH-USERS] Reading data using MATLAB

Anthony Scopatz scopatz at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue May 28 14:06:13 EDT 2013

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:42 PM, John ZuHone <
jzuhone at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov> wrote:

> Hi Graeme,
> Unfortunately I don't have that much experience with MATLAB, but I thought
> I would take a moment to at least say you should have a look at yt:
> http://yt-project.org
> which is in Python, and already has much of what you'd probably want to do
> with FLASH data already running out of the box without you needing to apply
> much effort hopefully. With Python and NumPy together you have something
> that is pretty similar to MATLAB:
> www.scipy.org/NumPy_for_Matlab_Users
Hi Graeme,

In terms of out of the box support for FLASH analysis, nothing beats yt
IMO.  I agree with John, here.

> (though the SciPy website doesn't seem to be responding at the moment.)

reported to scipy-dev.

Be Well

> Best,
> John ZuHone
> On May 28, 2013, at 1:32 PM, <graeme.scott at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I’m fairly new to FLASH but over the past week I’ve been running some
> simulations on our local cluster and have got to the stage that I’d like to
> do a bit of post processing, and for this I was really hoping to use
> MATLAB. I’ve managed to get to the stage where I can read in the data using
> the HDF5 files and I'm trying to reconstruct the mesh using the
> /coordinates /block size and /bounding box output, however I seem to be
> running into the problem that there don't seem to be enough blocks to match
> that of the resolution that I've been getting when I visualise the data
> using VisIt, and there are far fewer blocks than I have output data such as
> /ye. I should probably add that I’ve been using the paramesh 4 option for
> the mesh construction.
> > I wondered if you could tell me if I'm missing some key parameters for
> reassembling the mesh, if for example these parameters only identify parent
> blocks or something similar (although I don't think this is the problem),
> as I'm really a bit stumped at the moment!
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Graeme
> > --
> > Scanned by iCritical.

Anthony Scopatz
Post-doctoral Scholar
The FLASH Center for Computational Science
Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics
The University of Chicago
cell: (512) U2-PU239
office: (773) 834-2705
fax:(773) 834-3230
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