[FLASH-USERS] cooling and heating in FLASH4?

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Wed Oct 30 06:02:31 EDT 2013

Oh and Kris,

I've noticed that your directory in config was wrong
#  heating and cooling
REQUIRES physics/source/sourceTerms/Heat/HeatMain/StatPlusGauss
REQUIRES physics/source/sourceTerms/Cool/CoolMain/Radloss

should now be
REQUIRES physics/sourceTerms/Heat/HeatMain/ StatPlusGauss
REQUIRES physics/sourceTerms/Cool/CoolMain/Radloss


On 10/30/2013 10:48 AM, Seyit Hocuk wrote:
> Dear Kris,
> I don't exactly remember how it was done in Flash2.5, that was long 
> time ago, but in Flash4, I use the terms
> useCool = .True.
> useHeat = .True.
> You might run into problems with version differences from 2.5 to 4. 
> There are quite some differences.
> There is the FLASH4_supplementary_units.tar.gz that you can download 
> on the Flash website, and probably Heat and Cool are there for Flash4. 
> If not there, it is surely in one of the earlier versions (F4-beta, 
> F4-alpha). Perhaps you can take those as a template and, if you had 
> made changes, implement your changes in the F4 version.
> The way I implement in Config is the following
> REQUIRES physics/sourceTerms/Cool/CoolMain/Radloss
> REQUIRES physics/sourceTerms/Heat/HeatMain/ChemNetwUV # the last 
> subdirectory is from myself
> Btw, they have to be called in Driver_sourceTerms.F90 and 
> Driver_initSourceTerms.F90
> e.g.,
>   call Heat(blockCount, blockList, dt, dr_simTime)
>   call Cool(blockCount, blockList, dt, dr_simTime)
> Seyit
> On 10/30/2013 08:35 AM, K. Murawski wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am trying without any success to implement cooling and heating terms
>> in FLASH4. To do so, I copied
>> FLASH2.5/source/source_terms/Cool
>> and
>> FLASH2.5/source/source_terms/Heat
>> into
>> FLASH4/source/physics/sourceTerms
>> and radloss.F90 and Heat.F90 into my problem directory. In these files
>> I added in radloss.F90 and Heat.F90 lines like
>>    print*, ' hello from Heat'
>> But they were never executed. In Config I wrote
>> #  heating and cooling
>> REQUIRES physics/source/sourceTerms/Heat/HeatMain/StatPlusGauss
>> REQUIRES physics/source/sourceTerms/Cool/CoolMain/Radloss
>> while in flash.par I have
>> #  cooling
>> icool = 1
>> #  heating
>> iheat = 1
>> But it does not help either.
>> Would you mind telling me what else should be done to have radloss.F90
>> and Heat.F90 working? Thank you in advance for your help.
>> Happy flashing,
>> Kris

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